Hi Everyone,
I know it seems as if I haven't been doing a good job of keeping up with my devotional posts and I'm sorry for that. I hope I haven't lost any of you by my inconsistancy. I have been very busy working on my book promotion and a brand new website that will encompass all of my blogs. From now on I will be able to go to one spot for all my posts and announcements instead of trying to juggle and keep up with three.
So I am inviting all of you to head over to my new website so you can continue to see all of my devotions along with any other news and articles that I might post.
The new site is http://www.weigandchris.com/
Thank you again for following me and I hope you are still interested enough to continue. I greatly enjoy your comments and will do a better job of following you all and commenting on your blogs.
Thank you and God Bless,
Christina Weigand
Aaron's Revenge
Available at Xlibris, Amazon and Barnes and Noble
Monday, August 9, 2010
Moving to a new Website
Hi Everyone,
I know it seems as if I haven't been doing a good job of keeping up with my devotional posts and I'm sorry for that. I hope I haven't lost any of you by my inconsistancy. I have been very busy working on my book promotion and a brand new website that will encompass all of my blogs. From now on I will be able to go to one spot for all my posts and announcements instead of trying to juggle and keep up with three.
So I am inviting all of you to head over to my new website so you can continue to see all of my devotions along with any other news and articles that I might post.
The new site is http://www.weigandchris.com/
Thank you again for following me and I hope you are still interested enough to continue. I greatly enjoy your comments and will do a better job of following you all and commenting on your blogs.
Thank you and God Bless,
Christina Weigand
Aaron's Revenge
Available at Xlibris, Amazon and Barnes and Noble
Aaron's Revenge
I know it seems as if I haven't been doing a good job of keeping up with my devotional posts and I'm sorry for that. I hope I haven't lost any of you by my inconsistancy. I have been very busy working on my book promotion and a brand new website that will encompass all of my blogs. From now on I will be able to go to one spot for all my posts and announcements instead of trying to juggle and keep up with three.
So I am inviting all of you to head over to my new website so you can continue to see all of my devotions along with any other news and articles that I might post.
The new site is http://www.weigandchris.com/
Thank you again for following me and I hope you are still interested enough to continue. I greatly enjoy your comments and will do a better job of following you all and commenting on your blogs.
Thank you and God Bless,
Christina Weigand
Aaron's Revenge
Available at Xlibris, Amazon and Barnes and Noble
Aaron's Revenge
Friday, August 6, 2010
Go Forth
The Lord said to Abram, “Go forth from the land of your kinfolk and from your father’s house to a land that I will show you.” (Genesis 12:1, NAB)
Abram was happy and content with his life, so was I. We had a nice home, a grown family, a loving church family and my husband had a good job. Then like Abram, God started calling, first He gifted us with a fourth child, after having had my last sixteen years earlier. This led to a new home and going through raising another child. Of course after these major changes we thought God was finished with shaking up our lives. We were involved in church; we enrolled our youngest in a Catholic school. We prayed about our decisions and believed we were following God’s plan.
We didn’t anticipate the u-turn looming in front of us. Like Abram we were moving through our lives, when my husband was put in a position where he had to find a new job. He hadn’t hunted for a job in thirty years. We talked; we prayed and continued moving forward. God answered, practically dropping a new job in our laps. There was only one catch, we had to move across the country and leave behind the life we had built. Not so easy to follow God on this one. However, He continued to send clues that this was the right path to follow. First the new company wanted my husband right away and even offered a get out of jail card in six months if he didn’t like it. They met his salary demands and agreed to his time frame. Most importantly, they guaranteed that as Steeler fans, tomatoes would not be thrown at our house. What more could we ask for?
So in January, Al, my husband moved to the state of Washington and got a two bedroom apartment but we weren’t quite ready to commit. He began to search for a church, a school and a house. If we couldn’t find those then the deal was off. However, God really wanted us to make the move. A church and school quickly appeared on the radar. To make it even more appealing the church had a choir and a theater group, both of which were things we were involved with in Pennsylvania. All that was left the house.
Ana and I went to visit him in February and the last piece of the puzzle fell into place. We found a house that we loved. It wasn’t our Pennsylvania home, but a wonderful home to start a new life. God had put everything in place, laid enough clues for us to get the message. He wanted us to change our life, to move on with his plans for us and that meant uprooting our lives and starting over again. Like Abram we had been commanded to move on. What choice did we have, as God’s children the time had come? We would move on and follow His path for us.
Lord, let me see the wisdom in your clues and the faith to follow wherever they may lead.
Do you feel a calling in your life to change something? Make a list of the reasons to go, all the clues that are pointing to your move. Do they outweigh the reasons to stay? Open yourself up to the nudging, embrace what is up ahead, be like Abram, step out in faith with the knowledge God will watch out for you.
Abram was happy and content with his life, so was I. We had a nice home, a grown family, a loving church family and my husband had a good job. Then like Abram, God started calling, first He gifted us with a fourth child, after having had my last sixteen years earlier. This led to a new home and going through raising another child. Of course after these major changes we thought God was finished with shaking up our lives. We were involved in church; we enrolled our youngest in a Catholic school. We prayed about our decisions and believed we were following God’s plan.
We didn’t anticipate the u-turn looming in front of us. Like Abram we were moving through our lives, when my husband was put in a position where he had to find a new job. He hadn’t hunted for a job in thirty years. We talked; we prayed and continued moving forward. God answered, practically dropping a new job in our laps. There was only one catch, we had to move across the country and leave behind the life we had built. Not so easy to follow God on this one. However, He continued to send clues that this was the right path to follow. First the new company wanted my husband right away and even offered a get out of jail card in six months if he didn’t like it. They met his salary demands and agreed to his time frame. Most importantly, they guaranteed that as Steeler fans, tomatoes would not be thrown at our house. What more could we ask for?
So in January, Al, my husband moved to the state of Washington and got a two bedroom apartment but we weren’t quite ready to commit. He began to search for a church, a school and a house. If we couldn’t find those then the deal was off. However, God really wanted us to make the move. A church and school quickly appeared on the radar. To make it even more appealing the church had a choir and a theater group, both of which were things we were involved with in Pennsylvania. All that was left the house.
Ana and I went to visit him in February and the last piece of the puzzle fell into place. We found a house that we loved. It wasn’t our Pennsylvania home, but a wonderful home to start a new life. God had put everything in place, laid enough clues for us to get the message. He wanted us to change our life, to move on with his plans for us and that meant uprooting our lives and starting over again. Like Abram we had been commanded to move on. What choice did we have, as God’s children the time had come? We would move on and follow His path for us.
Lord, let me see the wisdom in your clues and the faith to follow wherever they may lead.
Do you feel a calling in your life to change something? Make a list of the reasons to go, all the clues that are pointing to your move. Do they outweigh the reasons to stay? Open yourself up to the nudging, embrace what is up ahead, be like Abram, step out in faith with the knowledge God will watch out for you.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Mother Again
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not; in all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6, NAB)
Thirty years ago, after an easy, yet worry filled pregnancy; I gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. I’m going to breast feed; I’ve read all the books and think I know what I’m doing. I can’t wait to get home with my baby and away from the drudgery of hospital routines.
Fast forward, eight years ago, another easy yet worry filled pregnancy; I gave birth to a bouncing baby girl. The hospital staff was wonderful and helped a lot when I had problems breastfeeding. I even joked about putting one of the nurses in my suitcase and taking her home. I was so afraid to be home alone with this beloved child.
So, why was I so afraid with this new baby? I had done this before, in fact in thirty years this was my fourth child. I should know what I’m doing. When people ask if raising this child is easy since I already raised three, my answer is a resounding, “NO!”
First I’m out of practice. As a child grows a parents skill set needs to change and grow. Things you did when the child was two no longer apply when the child is fifteen.
Second, at nineteen I had no clue and thought I knew it all, no fear. At forty one, I knew a lot more, knew that there was no way to prepare myself for what was happening and would occur in the upcoming years.
The one similar factor in both of these scenarios was, I thought with a little help from family that I could do this alone. God gave me these children and figured I could do the job without his help. WRONG! God’s thinking was exactly the opposite. He wanted me to turn to him, to ask for his help. We are not meant to traverse this life journey without him.
Obviously, it has taken me many years with lots of trials to learn this lesson. My first three children are now grown and have turned out well in spite of my lack of faith. The real test is ongoing though with my eight year old. We finally did figure out the breastfeeding and managed to get through her infanthood and I still wasn’t ready to acknowledge my need for God. The awareness came on me slowly as she has grown. Now at eight I know I need God. The problems don’t go away; she is still a challenge, but knowing that there is someone who will bear the burdens for me and guide me when the path seems darkest makes the journey a little easier.
It is pride and selfishness that guide my decisions not to trust God. I should be able to do this on my own, not rely on anyone to do it for me. Hopefully, with God’s guiding hand and holding a tight rein on my pride and selfishness, this child that he has gifted me with, will not face the same obstacles to accepting God as I have. She will know that God is there for her and will carry her burdens. She will not rely on herself and other humans and things of earth to guide her through life. God is there for all of us, even those of us who are slow to open up to him. Maybe it is time to let go of the things of earth and turn to God.
Lord Jesus, give me the wisdom to know when to seek your help and then the knowledge to accept it.
Is there something in your life that you think you can do on your own? Do you struggle with issues and rely on yourself and or others to get through it? Does your pride keep you from reaching out for help? Pick one thing, set aside your pride and ask God for help. Let go and let god. Drop the baggage on His doorstep and let Him help.
Thirty years ago, after an easy, yet worry filled pregnancy; I gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. I’m going to breast feed; I’ve read all the books and think I know what I’m doing. I can’t wait to get home with my baby and away from the drudgery of hospital routines.
Fast forward, eight years ago, another easy yet worry filled pregnancy; I gave birth to a bouncing baby girl. The hospital staff was wonderful and helped a lot when I had problems breastfeeding. I even joked about putting one of the nurses in my suitcase and taking her home. I was so afraid to be home alone with this beloved child.
So, why was I so afraid with this new baby? I had done this before, in fact in thirty years this was my fourth child. I should know what I’m doing. When people ask if raising this child is easy since I already raised three, my answer is a resounding, “NO!”
First I’m out of practice. As a child grows a parents skill set needs to change and grow. Things you did when the child was two no longer apply when the child is fifteen.
Second, at nineteen I had no clue and thought I knew it all, no fear. At forty one, I knew a lot more, knew that there was no way to prepare myself for what was happening and would occur in the upcoming years.
The one similar factor in both of these scenarios was, I thought with a little help from family that I could do this alone. God gave me these children and figured I could do the job without his help. WRONG! God’s thinking was exactly the opposite. He wanted me to turn to him, to ask for his help. We are not meant to traverse this life journey without him.
Obviously, it has taken me many years with lots of trials to learn this lesson. My first three children are now grown and have turned out well in spite of my lack of faith. The real test is ongoing though with my eight year old. We finally did figure out the breastfeeding and managed to get through her infanthood and I still wasn’t ready to acknowledge my need for God. The awareness came on me slowly as she has grown. Now at eight I know I need God. The problems don’t go away; she is still a challenge, but knowing that there is someone who will bear the burdens for me and guide me when the path seems darkest makes the journey a little easier.
It is pride and selfishness that guide my decisions not to trust God. I should be able to do this on my own, not rely on anyone to do it for me. Hopefully, with God’s guiding hand and holding a tight rein on my pride and selfishness, this child that he has gifted me with, will not face the same obstacles to accepting God as I have. She will know that God is there for her and will carry her burdens. She will not rely on herself and other humans and things of earth to guide her through life. God is there for all of us, even those of us who are slow to open up to him. Maybe it is time to let go of the things of earth and turn to God.
Lord Jesus, give me the wisdom to know when to seek your help and then the knowledge to accept it.
Is there something in your life that you think you can do on your own? Do you struggle with issues and rely on yourself and or others to get through it? Does your pride keep you from reaching out for help? Pick one thing, set aside your pride and ask God for help. Let go and let god. Drop the baggage on His doorstep and let Him help.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Mary DeMuth's new blog
Come check out @MaryDeMuth and her revamped website here: http://www.marydemuth.com
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Jealous Bones
They complained, “Is it through Moses alone that the Lord speaks? Does he not speak through us also?” “Now listen to the words of the Lord: Why then did you not fear to speak against my servant Moses?”
So Miriam was confined outside the camp for seven days and the people did not start out again until she was brought back. (Numbers 12:2, 6, 8, 15, NAB)
Miriam and Aaron were jealous. Here was Moses, a meek man who had not lived the suffering they had, married to a Cushite, getting all the glory. How could God do that to them?
Recently I have been asking myself the same question. I have given up so much to follow my husband across the country for his job. Yes, my career was portable and our six year old daughter was at a portable stage in her life. It didn’t seem like a big sacrifice at the time.
So we move. Al has already found a church with a choir, theater group and a school for Ana. The choir and the theater group joyfully embrace him. When Ana and I arrive on the scene, momentum on the summer musical is well underway and the spare garage at our new house is soon converted into a scene shop. I’m asked to write some articles for the program and I get stars in my eyes. Maybe this will swing some attention my way. And a little does come, but compared to my husband it doesn’t feel like much. So the show runs and he gets his name in the newspaper for the fantastic sets he helped to build and the theater group is worshipping the ground he walks on. As his wife I share the spotlight, but my own light seems very dim.
Fast-forward, its one year later. He is the set construction manager. (I.e. he’s in charge of the whole shebang.) He’s doing quite a bit of work, a lot of the time he’s on his own. Needless to say his star is on the rise again. I was once again asked to write two articles, but in the end only wrote one. So in a few weeks the show will go on and along with the actors, musicians and directors, he will receive many kudos and I’ll receive few to none.
I feel the green-eyed monster growing inside. The fact my husband is so completely involved with this project, leaves Ana and I with many hours without him. Lots of time for me to become angry, jealous and resentful.
Like the story of Miriam and Moses, God isn’t too happy with this attitude. He won’t afflict me with leprosy as he did Miriam, but I feel his dissatisfaction in other ways. My attitudes push my husband away. Al may not realize my jealousy, but he feels the push and senses my unhappiness. He moves further away and finds ways to spend less time with me and when he can’t do that he’s grouchy and irritable. I’ve created my own punishment.
God doesn’t like my jealousy and anger. He wants me to find other ways to channel my energies. If I can’t work with Al to accomplish goals, then I need to focus on missions that God has given me. God wants to share in Al’s glow for now and patiently wait, for in God’s time my light will shine brightly and Al will be in the fringes sharing the experience with me, like I need to learn to do now.
Lord, help me keep the jealous bones at bay, encourage my loved ones with their successes and know that in you time I will have successes also.
Is there something that a spouse, friend or acquaintance has that you wish you had? Have you let it cause anger, resentment or distance in your relationship? Step back and look at what you are doing. Are your emotions causing damage you don’t want it to? Realize what you are doing and see that is not your time but theirs. Realize your time will come. Share their excitement; let them know how happy you are for them. Congratulate them. Strive not to belittle their accomplishment, but instead let them know how important it is to you and to God. Make a conscious effort to be part of their joy instead of causing them distress.
So Miriam was confined outside the camp for seven days and the people did not start out again until she was brought back. (Numbers 12:2, 6, 8, 15, NAB)
Miriam and Aaron were jealous. Here was Moses, a meek man who had not lived the suffering they had, married to a Cushite, getting all the glory. How could God do that to them?
Recently I have been asking myself the same question. I have given up so much to follow my husband across the country for his job. Yes, my career was portable and our six year old daughter was at a portable stage in her life. It didn’t seem like a big sacrifice at the time.
So we move. Al has already found a church with a choir, theater group and a school for Ana. The choir and the theater group joyfully embrace him. When Ana and I arrive on the scene, momentum on the summer musical is well underway and the spare garage at our new house is soon converted into a scene shop. I’m asked to write some articles for the program and I get stars in my eyes. Maybe this will swing some attention my way. And a little does come, but compared to my husband it doesn’t feel like much. So the show runs and he gets his name in the newspaper for the fantastic sets he helped to build and the theater group is worshipping the ground he walks on. As his wife I share the spotlight, but my own light seems very dim.
Fast-forward, its one year later. He is the set construction manager. (I.e. he’s in charge of the whole shebang.) He’s doing quite a bit of work, a lot of the time he’s on his own. Needless to say his star is on the rise again. I was once again asked to write two articles, but in the end only wrote one. So in a few weeks the show will go on and along with the actors, musicians and directors, he will receive many kudos and I’ll receive few to none.
I feel the green-eyed monster growing inside. The fact my husband is so completely involved with this project, leaves Ana and I with many hours without him. Lots of time for me to become angry, jealous and resentful.
Like the story of Miriam and Moses, God isn’t too happy with this attitude. He won’t afflict me with leprosy as he did Miriam, but I feel his dissatisfaction in other ways. My attitudes push my husband away. Al may not realize my jealousy, but he feels the push and senses my unhappiness. He moves further away and finds ways to spend less time with me and when he can’t do that he’s grouchy and irritable. I’ve created my own punishment.
God doesn’t like my jealousy and anger. He wants me to find other ways to channel my energies. If I can’t work with Al to accomplish goals, then I need to focus on missions that God has given me. God wants to share in Al’s glow for now and patiently wait, for in God’s time my light will shine brightly and Al will be in the fringes sharing the experience with me, like I need to learn to do now.
Lord, help me keep the jealous bones at bay, encourage my loved ones with their successes and know that in you time I will have successes also.
Is there something that a spouse, friend or acquaintance has that you wish you had? Have you let it cause anger, resentment or distance in your relationship? Step back and look at what you are doing. Are your emotions causing damage you don’t want it to? Realize what you are doing and see that is not your time but theirs. Realize your time will come. Share their excitement; let them know how happy you are for them. Congratulate them. Strive not to belittle their accomplishment, but instead let them know how important it is to you and to God. Make a conscious effort to be part of their joy instead of causing them distress.
Review: A Girl's Guide to Life
Book Review: A Girl's Guide to Life: The truth on growing up, being true and making your teen years fabulous! By: Katie Meier
Going online, Guys-What's up with Them, Religion: These are just three of the chapter titles that Katie Meier covers in her book A Girl's Guide to Life.
With the use of stories, charts, Bible references Ms. Meier covers the many issues that a teenage girl will face. She gives advice on how to handle the situations in a contemporary way using things like family, church, the Bible and God as your guides.
In a very inciteful chapter she breaks down the different religious beliefs that a young person will encounter and states the truth behind all of them so the teen can make an informed decision on ways to handle situations that they will unlikely be presented with.
Unfortunately I can't quote the whole book for you here. You'll just have to take my word for it that it is a book every teenage girl and every parent of a teenage girl should have. I wish that I had had it when I was raising my older daughter, and you can be sure I will be using and recommending it to my nine year old when she reaches those delicate teenage years. (Hopefully sometime around 20 or 30.) This is a book every teenage girl should have in their library.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.combook review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Going online, Guys-What's up with Them, Religion: These are just three of the chapter titles that Katie Meier covers in her book A Girl's Guide to Life.
With the use of stories, charts, Bible references Ms. Meier covers the many issues that a teenage girl will face. She gives advice on how to handle the situations in a contemporary way using things like family, church, the Bible and God as your guides.
In a very inciteful chapter she breaks down the different religious beliefs that a young person will encounter and states the truth behind all of them so the teen can make an informed decision on ways to handle situations that they will unlikely be presented with.
Unfortunately I can't quote the whole book for you here. You'll just have to take my word for it that it is a book every teenage girl and every parent of a teenage girl should have. I wish that I had had it when I was raising my older daughter, and you can be sure I will be using and recommending it to my nine year old when she reaches those delicate teenage years. (Hopefully sometime around 20 or 30.) This is a book every teenage girl should have in their library.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com
Monday, July 26, 2010
Seeing our way through the Storm
Why do you let me see ruin: why must I look at misery? (Habakkuk 1:3)
A few years ago my husband lost his job. After much prayer and discussion we decided to uproot our lives and move across the country to start over again.
Fast forward: Not quite two years have gone by. We’re getting settled in our new lives, learning our way around a new town and state, even making new friends. Basically building a new life, then we get the news, my husband is unemployed again. The job that brought us across the country held out so much promise just let us down. What do we do now, pack it all up and go back to where we started, or stay here and find a way to make things work?
For a short time I felt abandoned and without hope. We thought we were doing what God wanted. How could He let this happen, we are His faithful followers?
Then all that we still have floats into my line of sight. We aren’t homeless, naked or hungry. We can still help our grown children; maintain our lifestyle including Catholic school for our youngest as well as private school for our granddaughter. We’re more fortunate than many. It seems we should focus on what we have and moving forward not on what is lost or left behind.
We don’t have much room to question God’s plan or doubt His will. He is good to us, given us more than we need. What we need to focus on is applying all we have to doing God’s will, being a force for God and not for the world. The world chewed us up and spit us out, now we would turn to God. He won’t spit us out, maybe put a few rocks in the path, but never spit us out. The rocks are necessary; they make us stronger, more worthy of His gifts, which He will give us in abundance when we join him in heaven.
With our light dimmed how do we get from here to there. The first, most important step is acknowledging what we have and profusely thanking God for all of it. By this stock taking we learn just how fortunate we are, we see the friends we have made, the connections we built. We must look beyond the despair and darkness of our current situation and find the hope and light. When we do that the decision to follow this path God set us on doesn’t seem so hard. Instead of wallowing in the deficit we should rejoice and share from our plenty. Life isn’t so bad through these glasses.
Time for more prayers, whatever we decide it will be decided with God. No lingering in the well of self pity and recrimination, God has a plan for us and it is up to us to follow it. We pray, we begin to see the edge of his robes and like the women healed of blood diseases, we only need to touch the hem of his garment to see beyond our current darkness. All that we have becomes a bright shining light and the path becomes clear. We will stay here in our new home with our new friends, school and church. We have been given a chance to give back a small portion of what was given to us when we moved here. We now have the time to do more for the Church and School, to do God’s work. We will start our own business right here in Washington and share our bounty with others. We will climb over this rock in our path and move forward with Jesus by our side to help carry the burden. God is with us always, even when we put on or are forced to wear the dark glasses for a time. The light may be dim, but it is a light in the darkness, a path to follow, a journey to make, all with God.
Most Awesome and Powerfule Jesus, Be my light in the darkness, show me the path to follow, the journey to take and grant that You may always be by my side. In your most gracious and glorious name, Jesus. Amen
A few years ago my husband lost his job. After much prayer and discussion we decided to uproot our lives and move across the country to start over again.
Fast forward: Not quite two years have gone by. We’re getting settled in our new lives, learning our way around a new town and state, even making new friends. Basically building a new life, then we get the news, my husband is unemployed again. The job that brought us across the country held out so much promise just let us down. What do we do now, pack it all up and go back to where we started, or stay here and find a way to make things work?
For a short time I felt abandoned and without hope. We thought we were doing what God wanted. How could He let this happen, we are His faithful followers?
Then all that we still have floats into my line of sight. We aren’t homeless, naked or hungry. We can still help our grown children; maintain our lifestyle including Catholic school for our youngest as well as private school for our granddaughter. We’re more fortunate than many. It seems we should focus on what we have and moving forward not on what is lost or left behind.
We don’t have much room to question God’s plan or doubt His will. He is good to us, given us more than we need. What we need to focus on is applying all we have to doing God’s will, being a force for God and not for the world. The world chewed us up and spit us out, now we would turn to God. He won’t spit us out, maybe put a few rocks in the path, but never spit us out. The rocks are necessary; they make us stronger, more worthy of His gifts, which He will give us in abundance when we join him in heaven.
With our light dimmed how do we get from here to there. The first, most important step is acknowledging what we have and profusely thanking God for all of it. By this stock taking we learn just how fortunate we are, we see the friends we have made, the connections we built. We must look beyond the despair and darkness of our current situation and find the hope and light. When we do that the decision to follow this path God set us on doesn’t seem so hard. Instead of wallowing in the deficit we should rejoice and share from our plenty. Life isn’t so bad through these glasses.
Time for more prayers, whatever we decide it will be decided with God. No lingering in the well of self pity and recrimination, God has a plan for us and it is up to us to follow it. We pray, we begin to see the edge of his robes and like the women healed of blood diseases, we only need to touch the hem of his garment to see beyond our current darkness. All that we have becomes a bright shining light and the path becomes clear. We will stay here in our new home with our new friends, school and church. We have been given a chance to give back a small portion of what was given to us when we moved here. We now have the time to do more for the Church and School, to do God’s work. We will start our own business right here in Washington and share our bounty with others. We will climb over this rock in our path and move forward with Jesus by our side to help carry the burden. God is with us always, even when we put on or are forced to wear the dark glasses for a time. The light may be dim, but it is a light in the darkness, a path to follow, a journey to make, all with God.
Most Awesome and Powerfule Jesus, Be my light in the darkness, show me the path to follow, the journey to take and grant that You may always be by my side. In your most gracious and glorious name, Jesus. Amen
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Abide in Me
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in me. (John 15:4)
Jesus performed many miracles in His three years of ministry, from restoring sight to the blind man, to healing lepers, casting out demons and even feeding thousands of hungry people. He had faith in His Father and was given the ability to perform these miracles.
Do you know that with faith, God's power manifests itself in you? Yes it does. When actuated by the Holy Spirit God's power through the faith of man goes out to bless the world. Pretty awesome, but then again we have a pretty awesome God, Don't you think?
Oh most powerful, awesome Jesus, I know you performed many great miracles through the power of your Father. Come be with me, guide me, strengthen my faith so that with the power of God through You and the Holy Spirit I may become a beacon of faith and hope just as you. Show me how to use Your power to heal my little part of the world and bring more people to a unwavering faith in You, just as Your Son has. All this in Jesus name I pray.
Jesus performed many miracles in His three years of ministry, from restoring sight to the blind man, to healing lepers, casting out demons and even feeding thousands of hungry people. He had faith in His Father and was given the ability to perform these miracles.
Do you know that with faith, God's power manifests itself in you? Yes it does. When actuated by the Holy Spirit God's power through the faith of man goes out to bless the world. Pretty awesome, but then again we have a pretty awesome God, Don't you think?
Oh most powerful, awesome Jesus, I know you performed many great miracles through the power of your Father. Come be with me, guide me, strengthen my faith so that with the power of God through You and the Holy Spirit I may become a beacon of faith and hope just as you. Show me how to use Your power to heal my little part of the world and bring more people to a unwavering faith in You, just as Your Son has. All this in Jesus name I pray.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Let Go and Let God
I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtily, so your minds shoud be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. (2 Corinthians 11:3)
Follow God's commands and leave the results to Him. Sounds simple enough. Why do we humans make it so hard, why do we want to determine the results, influence them, have them be what we want? Why can't we simply let go and let God.
God has already worked everything out in the spirit world. His has everything in place to produce a result that He has deemed most beneficial to you. All we have to do is follow His commands faithfully. Listen for Him. Learn from Him. Obey Him. When we do these things, walk with Him, act under His divine control. We are strengthened by His divine power.
So let's strive to make it simple by carrying out His commands and leaving the result to Him.
Most powerful and awesome Jesus, Speak so that I may hear, guide so I may see the path, lead so I may follow. Command me oh Lord so that I may travel your path and obey you. Jesus help me gracefully step aside and let your results flow from my obedience. This I pray in the name of your most merciful son, Jesus.
Follow God's commands and leave the results to Him. Sounds simple enough. Why do we humans make it so hard, why do we want to determine the results, influence them, have them be what we want? Why can't we simply let go and let God.
God has already worked everything out in the spirit world. His has everything in place to produce a result that He has deemed most beneficial to you. All we have to do is follow His commands faithfully. Listen for Him. Learn from Him. Obey Him. When we do these things, walk with Him, act under His divine control. We are strengthened by His divine power.
So let's strive to make it simple by carrying out His commands and leaving the result to Him.
Most powerful and awesome Jesus, Speak so that I may hear, guide so I may see the path, lead so I may follow. Command me oh Lord so that I may travel your path and obey you. Jesus help me gracefully step aside and let your results flow from my obedience. This I pray in the name of your most merciful son, Jesus.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Accept the Invitation
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. (Psalm 23:1)
You have recieved an invitation, a wonderful invitation, one that you shoudn't ignore. An invitation from God and Jesus is the messenger. You have been invited to lay down all your cares and worries. to simply believe and follow. Jesus will lead the way, He will shepherd you and all who willingly follow. He will not force you, but instead gently encourages you to freely chose Him over the Satan, Him over the trials of the world. God is waiting for you and He will wait for all eternity for He is a patient God.
When you finally come to Him, He wants you to be free of selfish desires, worries and fears. He wants you to let go of all the worldly hungers, to hunger only for Him, to run not walk into His loving embrace. Jesus can fulfill all your needs if you only let Him. Accept the invitation.
Oh most merciful and gracious Jesus show me how to let go of the world, let go of myself and lie down in your warm embrace. Let me find comfort and solitude, where before I only found pain and confusion. Show me a world sheperded by you so that I may come in and recieve you evergloriou, everlasting love. This I pray in Jesus most awesome name, Amen.
You have recieved an invitation, a wonderful invitation, one that you shoudn't ignore. An invitation from God and Jesus is the messenger. You have been invited to lay down all your cares and worries. to simply believe and follow. Jesus will lead the way, He will shepherd you and all who willingly follow. He will not force you, but instead gently encourages you to freely chose Him over the Satan, Him over the trials of the world. God is waiting for you and He will wait for all eternity for He is a patient God.
When you finally come to Him, He wants you to be free of selfish desires, worries and fears. He wants you to let go of all the worldly hungers, to hunger only for Him, to run not walk into His loving embrace. Jesus can fulfill all your needs if you only let Him. Accept the invitation.
Oh most merciful and gracious Jesus show me how to let go of the world, let go of myself and lie down in your warm embrace. Let me find comfort and solitude, where before I only found pain and confusion. Show me a world sheperded by you so that I may come in and recieve you evergloriou, everlasting love. This I pray in Jesus most awesome name, Amen.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
God has supplied everything and He will protect
Every place the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. (Joshua 1:3)
God has given us everything, the ground we walk on, the air we breathe, the flowers that we marvel at their beauty and even those we don't. He has supplied friends, family and even enemies. He protects us from those enemies and sometimes the friends and family. His hand is in everything that happens in our lives. We can count on this. He never questions, He just does.
Why do we doubt, why do we question? And who are we to even doubt? He led the Israelites through the Red Sea and into freedom from the oppression of the Egyptians. Numerous times He has led one group or even one person out of man's self imposed bondage. He does the same for each one of us. Do not doubt. He is true. He is sure. He maybe the one stable thing in your life that you can count on. Trust Him, He will protect you.
God has given us everything, the ground we walk on, the air we breathe, the flowers that we marvel at their beauty and even those we don't. He has supplied friends, family and even enemies. He protects us from those enemies and sometimes the friends and family. His hand is in everything that happens in our lives. We can count on this. He never questions, He just does.
Why do we doubt, why do we question? And who are we to even doubt? He led the Israelites through the Red Sea and into freedom from the oppression of the Egyptians. Numerous times He has led one group or even one person out of man's self imposed bondage. He does the same for each one of us. Do not doubt. He is true. He is sure. He maybe the one stable thing in your life that you can count on. Trust Him, He will protect you.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Have Faith
So the faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17)
Do you sit and wait for the next shoe to fall? Do you anticipate all manner of distress and evil waiting just around the corner? Is your life filled with fear, anxiety, worry? Do you plan for the worst never considering the better?
This is not the way God wants us to live. He wants you to trust Him with everything. Recently my husband and I were having a discussion about the state of the economy, something I try to avoid usually. In our relationship I am the positive one while he is the negative one. Over the years he has rubbed off on me and I hope I have rubbed off on him at least a little, but that is a stoy for another time. Anyway he is convinced that the economy will not recover anytime soon and that only man can turn it around. He is also convinced that God cannot or will not do anything about it. In one way I agree with him, man got himself into this mess. That's just about were our agreement stops. My argument was that yes while man may have created this mess if we turn back to God, God will lead us out. Husband: Nope we have to do this ourselves, God can't fix this. Me: Man has turned from God and the only way to fix anything is for man to turn back to God and have faith that this is not of God's making and yet God will fix it, if you place your faith and trust in Him.
Neither one of us convinced the other of our argument. There was no winner or loser, but instead a stalemate. So I will continue to believe that if we place our trust, our faith, our hope in God that in His time He will fix everything. There may not be lightening bolts or burning bushes but He will fix it.
Dear Jesus, grant me an unwavering faith, that you know what is right, what is good and will fix the world if they only show a little faith in you. When Abraham pleaded with You to save Gomorrah if ten righteous men could be found You agreed to not destroy the city. Please let it be so today. Do not let men destroy what You have created. Bring your faithful out of this darkness and into Your glorious light. In Jesus most awesome name I pray. Amen.
Do you sit and wait for the next shoe to fall? Do you anticipate all manner of distress and evil waiting just around the corner? Is your life filled with fear, anxiety, worry? Do you plan for the worst never considering the better?
This is not the way God wants us to live. He wants you to trust Him with everything. Recently my husband and I were having a discussion about the state of the economy, something I try to avoid usually. In our relationship I am the positive one while he is the negative one. Over the years he has rubbed off on me and I hope I have rubbed off on him at least a little, but that is a stoy for another time. Anyway he is convinced that the economy will not recover anytime soon and that only man can turn it around. He is also convinced that God cannot or will not do anything about it. In one way I agree with him, man got himself into this mess. That's just about were our agreement stops. My argument was that yes while man may have created this mess if we turn back to God, God will lead us out. Husband: Nope we have to do this ourselves, God can't fix this. Me: Man has turned from God and the only way to fix anything is for man to turn back to God and have faith that this is not of God's making and yet God will fix it, if you place your faith and trust in Him.
Neither one of us convinced the other of our argument. There was no winner or loser, but instead a stalemate. So I will continue to believe that if we place our trust, our faith, our hope in God that in His time He will fix everything. There may not be lightening bolts or burning bushes but He will fix it.
Dear Jesus, grant me an unwavering faith, that you know what is right, what is good and will fix the world if they only show a little faith in you. When Abraham pleaded with You to save Gomorrah if ten righteous men could be found You agreed to not destroy the city. Please let it be so today. Do not let men destroy what You have created. Bring your faithful out of this darkness and into Your glorious light. In Jesus most awesome name I pray. Amen.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Painful but Necessary
Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you... but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings. (1 Peter 4: 12-13)
You may feel as if this trial your are embroiled in is painful, will never end. Do you wonder why God is so cruelly testing you?
Maybe there is a different way to percieve your trials. Maybe not cruel, but instead tender preparation. Maybe not painful but necessary to achieve the wonderful lifework you are to do.
All that you experience, either good or bad is preparation for your lifework and for your eventual entry into heaven. When your prayers are answered in what may seem a painful way just realize it is the only way for you to reach heaven. All your prayers are being wonderfully answered. Embrace them and thank Jesus for His love and testing in the fire.
Most wonderful and awesome Jesus in your infinate wisdom test me in your fires, prepare me for the lifework you have planned for me. Hear and answer my prayers in your way and your time. Thank you for the trials and joys you have placed in my life and show me how to graciously embrace them. Lead me to your heavenly home at the end of my days so I may share the wonderful life you have for me. This I pray through your most gracious son Jesus. Amen
You may feel as if this trial your are embroiled in is painful, will never end. Do you wonder why God is so cruelly testing you?
Maybe there is a different way to percieve your trials. Maybe not cruel, but instead tender preparation. Maybe not painful but necessary to achieve the wonderful lifework you are to do.
All that you experience, either good or bad is preparation for your lifework and for your eventual entry into heaven. When your prayers are answered in what may seem a painful way just realize it is the only way for you to reach heaven. All your prayers are being wonderfully answered. Embrace them and thank Jesus for His love and testing in the fire.
Most wonderful and awesome Jesus in your infinate wisdom test me in your fires, prepare me for the lifework you have planned for me. Hear and answer my prayers in your way and your time. Thank you for the trials and joys you have placed in my life and show me how to graciously embrace them. Lead me to your heavenly home at the end of my days so I may share the wonderful life you have for me. This I pray through your most gracious son Jesus. Amen
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Have Patience and Faith in Jesus
Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth forever. (Psalm 112:3)
Do you find yourself saying I can't afford this or I'll never be able to do that. When you find yourself saying his what do you do? Does God really want you to have it? He has an answer for you, Wait. If you are meant to have it God will make sure that you get it in His time. Perservere and patiently wait then accept God's will. He has determined what is right and good and what you need to make it to His heavenly arms.
Don't think you can't afford it or you'll never be able to do that. Have faith in God and have faith that when He has determined the time all will be plentifully supplied. Believe if we should have it the it will surely come.
Oh most powerful Jesus grant me the patience and the faith to wait on you. You know what is best for me and will supply all I need at the proper time. Lord Jesus you are all that I need. Help me to have faith that when the time is right you will see to all my needs. This I pray in the most awesome name of Jesus the Lord. Amen
Do you find yourself saying I can't afford this or I'll never be able to do that. When you find yourself saying his what do you do? Does God really want you to have it? He has an answer for you, Wait. If you are meant to have it God will make sure that you get it in His time. Perservere and patiently wait then accept God's will. He has determined what is right and good and what you need to make it to His heavenly arms.
Don't think you can't afford it or you'll never be able to do that. Have faith in God and have faith that when He has determined the time all will be plentifully supplied. Believe if we should have it the it will surely come.
Oh most powerful Jesus grant me the patience and the faith to wait on you. You know what is best for me and will supply all I need at the proper time. Lord Jesus you are all that I need. Help me to have faith that when the time is right you will see to all my needs. This I pray in the most awesome name of Jesus the Lord. Amen
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Fear Not...
Moses said... Fear ye not, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day. (Exodus 14:13)
Fear not, whatever you may be facing today or tomorrow, Jesus has already faced. He has overcome the demons. The answer to all your fears, all your challlenges, you have at hand in Jesus. Have faith and confidence that Jesus will respond to your call. You will not face the evil alone. Instead stand up to the very real temptations and fears, knowing that Jesus is right by your side attacking and overpowering the evil one.
Most gracious Jesus, be by my side each day as the evil of this corrupt world confronts me. Help me overcome the evils and remain faithful to you. Lord Jesus I love you, but I need your love to to reach eternity with you. Show me the way and fill me with your love. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Fear not, whatever you may be facing today or tomorrow, Jesus has already faced. He has overcome the demons. The answer to all your fears, all your challlenges, you have at hand in Jesus. Have faith and confidence that Jesus will respond to your call. You will not face the evil alone. Instead stand up to the very real temptations and fears, knowing that Jesus is right by your side attacking and overpowering the evil one.
Most gracious Jesus, be by my side each day as the evil of this corrupt world confronts me. Help me overcome the evils and remain faithful to you. Lord Jesus I love you, but I need your love to to reach eternity with you. Show me the way and fill me with your love. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Lay your will before God
The Lord is thy keeper; the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. (Psalm 121:5)
It is so difficult to lay our will before God and take up His will. It is difficult to trust that He will take care of everything. Our human instincts and Satan's proddings tell us that we need to be in control and it is our will that is the most important. We trust no one especially an unseen God yet we place our trust in Satan's seeds telling us to trust no one.
Why do we listen to the rantings of Satan and not listen to the loving words of God? Following Satan's path only leads to a loss of hope, leads to despair and ultimately seperation from the one who truly loves us. Following God's path, no matter how difficult, leads to peace, love, hope, happiness and an eternal home with God, Himself. Of the two options which sounds better to you?
For me the answer is obvious, although difficult at times to do, but so much more rewarding at the end of time. My answer is the second option. I would rather be embraced in the arms of a loving God than the fires of a hateful Satan.
Most merciful, loving Jesus, as I move through this life, help me to sacrifice myself and my will to You. May I humbly accept Your will and willingly follow the path You set before me. Give me the strength to make the sacrifices necessary to be Your servant and sibling. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
It is so difficult to lay our will before God and take up His will. It is difficult to trust that He will take care of everything. Our human instincts and Satan's proddings tell us that we need to be in control and it is our will that is the most important. We trust no one especially an unseen God yet we place our trust in Satan's seeds telling us to trust no one.
Why do we listen to the rantings of Satan and not listen to the loving words of God? Following Satan's path only leads to a loss of hope, leads to despair and ultimately seperation from the one who truly loves us. Following God's path, no matter how difficult, leads to peace, love, hope, happiness and an eternal home with God, Himself. Of the two options which sounds better to you?
For me the answer is obvious, although difficult at times to do, but so much more rewarding at the end of time. My answer is the second option. I would rather be embraced in the arms of a loving God than the fires of a hateful Satan.
Most merciful, loving Jesus, as I move through this life, help me to sacrifice myself and my will to You. May I humbly accept Your will and willingly follow the path You set before me. Give me the strength to make the sacrifices necessary to be Your servant and sibling. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Monday, June 28, 2010
Follow in Faith; Live in Hope
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. (Romans 8:1)
Once healed, God holds no grudges. He forgives the sins and does not tell us to continue to dwell on them. Jesus did not reproach those he healed, like the adulterous women or the blind man. Instead He healed and forgave and sent them on their way.
Follow in faith, follow with charity to your neighbor and always, always follow in hope.Faith that Jesus has
forgiven and doesn't keep count of your sins. Hope that your place is prepared in Heaven when we depart from this earth bound life.
Jesus is all this and more. He is Awesome.
Most wonderful and glorious Jesus; I pray that you will forgive my sins, look past my human frailties, and never ever give up on me, even when I give up on You.. Lord be by my side to guide me, to pick me up when I fall and to celebrate when life is good. Please be waiting for me in your heavenly kingdom, when the time comes for me to leave this encumbered human life and welcome me to Your wonderful heart, that is full of mercy and love. In Jesus glorious name I pray. Amen.
Once healed, God holds no grudges. He forgives the sins and does not tell us to continue to dwell on them. Jesus did not reproach those he healed, like the adulterous women or the blind man. Instead He healed and forgave and sent them on their way.
Follow in faith, follow with charity to your neighbor and always, always follow in hope.Faith that Jesus has
forgiven and doesn't keep count of your sins. Hope that your place is prepared in Heaven when we depart from this earth bound life.
Jesus is all this and more. He is Awesome.
Most wonderful and glorious Jesus; I pray that you will forgive my sins, look past my human frailties, and never ever give up on me, even when I give up on You.. Lord be by my side to guide me, to pick me up when I fall and to celebrate when life is good. Please be waiting for me in your heavenly kingdom, when the time comes for me to leave this encumbered human life and welcome me to Your wonderful heart, that is full of mercy and love. In Jesus glorious name I pray. Amen.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Be my Companion
Who hath despised the day of small things? (Zechariah 4:10)
Who is your friend? Who can you summon when you need anything? Who is a companion at the most dreary times of life and transforms them into bright, cheerful times?
There is only one you can rely on, only one that will fulfill all your needs. He will be your best friend, He will be there in the dreary times of life and transform them. You can call on Him and enter His presence. He is always there. He most powerful, most awe-inspiring, most loving, most forgiving, most merciful and gracious. He is the one and only God, your father, your friend, your brother, your companion. Turn to God, He is there.
Oh most powerful and awesome God, I turn to you in my time of need, in my time of joy. I seek your presence, I summon you to be by my side. Be there when I call, answer when I need, love me when I am unloved. Lord I beseech you, in Jesus name. Amen
Who is your friend? Who can you summon when you need anything? Who is a companion at the most dreary times of life and transforms them into bright, cheerful times?
There is only one you can rely on, only one that will fulfill all your needs. He will be your best friend, He will be there in the dreary times of life and transform them. You can call on Him and enter His presence. He is always there. He most powerful, most awe-inspiring, most loving, most forgiving, most merciful and gracious. He is the one and only God, your father, your friend, your brother, your companion. Turn to God, He is there.
Oh most powerful and awesome God, I turn to you in my time of need, in my time of joy. I seek your presence, I summon you to be by my side. Be there when I call, answer when I need, love me when I am unloved. Lord I beseech you, in Jesus name. Amen
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Aaron's Revenge Published
It's finally published. Aaron's Revenge is available at Xlibris. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Aaron grew up believing he was a farmer’s son and destined to be a low level
knight in Crato. Then on his fi fteenth birthday his world is torn from him
when he is kidnapped and thrown into a world of deception and magic. His sibling
rivalry with Tomas pales in comparison to the challenges he’ll face in the search for
his identity and destiny.
Enit grew up a princess and without the love of her Father. When her long lost
brother is found she embarks on a journey to fi nd a relationship with her brother and
win the love of her father.
Their paths become intertwined as they encounter rivalry and battles in their fi ght for
family, kingdom and themselves
Dragons Muse
Palace of Twelve Pillars
Jesus is Always There
Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterwared recieve me to glory. (Psalm 73:24)
It may not seem like Jesus is always providing clear, unimpeachable guidance. When you are in those valleys go forward quietly along the path of duty He has laid before you, for He is not far away. Do not fear, do not panic, just quietly do your daily duty. You will recieve your reward as if you were acting on direct guidance from Him. Be secure in Him, and know that He is there even when you don't hear Him.
Lord Jesus travel with me daily, be a light on my path. Lift me up when I am in the valley. I rejoice knowing that you are ever with me and will be waiting at the door at day's end with my reward.
It may not seem like Jesus is always providing clear, unimpeachable guidance. When you are in those valleys go forward quietly along the path of duty He has laid before you, for He is not far away. Do not fear, do not panic, just quietly do your daily duty. You will recieve your reward as if you were acting on direct guidance from Him. Be secure in Him, and know that He is there even when you don't hear Him.
Lord Jesus travel with me daily, be a light on my path. Lift me up when I am in the valley. I rejoice knowing that you are ever with me and will be waiting at the door at day's end with my reward.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Book Review: The Doppleganger Chronicles The Secret of Indigo Moon, By: G.P. Taylor
The Doppelganger Chronicles The Secret of Indigo Moon
By: G.P. Taylor
Eric Morrissey Ganger and his two friends, twins, Saskia and Sadie Dopple embark on another adventure when they discover secret tunnels beneath Dunstan's School for Wayward Children. They meet an old enemy and make the acquaintance of a shifty private eye while exploring the tunnel and missing treasure. Their interfering could lead to the destruction of them all if they don't find the answers first.
This is a good book for juvenile readers with lots of action and twists and turns that will keep them involved and guessing until the very end. Long sections of text are broken up with pages of cartoon like drawings to lead the reader through the adventure. As an adult I didn't particularly like this, but it is sure to capture the short attention span of the juvenile reader. The characters are engaging and the story line plausible so the reader will stay interested. There is a touch of spirituality that doesn't slap the reader in the face, but subtly suggests a higher power at work in the lives of the kids. The kids learn about trust and about themselves as they embark on this mystery.
For the juvenile reader I highly recommend this book.

FTC Blogger Guidelines
To comply with new regulations introduced by the Federal Trade Commission, please mention as part of every Web or Amazon review that Tyndale House Publishers has provided you with a complimentary copy of this book or ARC.
By: G.P. Taylor
Eric Morrissey Ganger and his two friends, twins, Saskia and Sadie Dopple embark on another adventure when they discover secret tunnels beneath Dunstan's School for Wayward Children. They meet an old enemy and make the acquaintance of a shifty private eye while exploring the tunnel and missing treasure. Their interfering could lead to the destruction of them all if they don't find the answers first.
This is a good book for juvenile readers with lots of action and twists and turns that will keep them involved and guessing until the very end. Long sections of text are broken up with pages of cartoon like drawings to lead the reader through the adventure. As an adult I didn't particularly like this, but it is sure to capture the short attention span of the juvenile reader. The characters are engaging and the story line plausible so the reader will stay interested. There is a touch of spirituality that doesn't slap the reader in the face, but subtly suggests a higher power at work in the lives of the kids. The kids learn about trust and about themselves as they embark on this mystery.
For the juvenile reader I highly recommend this book.

FTC Blogger Guidelines
To comply with new regulations introduced by the Federal Trade Commission, please mention as part of every Web or Amazon review that Tyndale House Publishers has provided you with a complimentary copy of this book or ARC.
Join Him in the Promised Land
The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion. (Proverbs 28:1)
Trust God. Forge fearlessly ahead. He will not let you down. He will pick you up and ensure that the trials do not destroy you. He will bring you into the promised land. He is an Awesome God.
Trust God. Forge fearlessly ahead. He will not let you down. He will pick you up and ensure that the trials do not destroy you. He will bring you into the promised land. He is an Awesome God.
Monday, June 21, 2010
See as Jesus Sees
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me: for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:29-30)
Want to regain a little sanity in today's crazy world. Don't turn to the world for relief. Turn to Jesus. The world's sensibilities cannot settle your mind. Only having the mind of Jesus can lead you to that safe place. Only by living with Jesus and sharing His life can we find true peace and happiness. See others as He sees them and think of Jesus.
Want to regain a little sanity in today's crazy world. Don't turn to the world for relief. Turn to Jesus. The world's sensibilities cannot settle your mind. Only having the mind of Jesus can lead you to that safe place. Only by living with Jesus and sharing His life can we find true peace and happiness. See others as He sees them and think of Jesus.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Call Him Jesus
She shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. (Matthew 1:21)
Call His name: JESUS. Call Him when you are sad, scared, angry, alone, tempted. Call Him when you are happy, celebrating, thankful, strong in your faith, in a crowd. Call Him whenever. Call Him more often. Call Him tenderly, prayerfully, powerfully. Call on Him and know that He will answer, no matter what.
Call His name: JESUS. Call Him when you are sad, scared, angry, alone, tempted. Call Him when you are happy, celebrating, thankful, strong in your faith, in a crowd. Call Him whenever. Call Him more often. Call Him tenderly, prayerfully, powerfully. Call on Him and know that He will answer, no matter what.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Deposit in God's Account
By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruits of our lips giving thanks to his name. (Hebrews 13:15)
Many of us work tirelessly to save money, provide for our families and if we are successful we reach a point where we can withdraw some of that money and use it.
It is the same with God. As people of faith we are always making deposits in our accounts with God and then a day comes where we have to make a withdrawal. Because we have spent time making those deposits, God is willing to meet our demands. He fulfills the needs of His faithful.
Many of us work tirelessly to save money, provide for our families and if we are successful we reach a point where we can withdraw some of that money and use it.
It is the same with God. As people of faith we are always making deposits in our accounts with God and then a day comes where we have to make a withdrawal. Because we have spent time making those deposits, God is willing to meet our demands. He fulfills the needs of His faithful.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
God is always there
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of m y life; and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. (Psalm 23:6)
I have stumbled, I have fallen. My life is boring, my job is going nowhere. Guess what God is at your side. Yep right beside you, holding your hand taking on the boredom, creating opportunities to go somewhere. That place is with Him in His house. He is with you every single day in this life and the life beyond. Let Him walk with you, be your support, be your guide. He is there for you.
I have stumbled, I have fallen. My life is boring, my job is going nowhere. Guess what God is at your side. Yep right beside you, holding your hand taking on the boredom, creating opportunities to go somewhere. That place is with Him in His house. He is with you every single day in this life and the life beyond. Let Him walk with you, be your support, be your guide. He is there for you.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
God is in You
I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me. (Colossians 1:29)
God is in you. With Him in you, there are millions of resources available. Can't stop worrying, let Christ do it. Can't stop living in the past or give up your bad habits, Christ can and He lives within you. Let God's power work in you. You can't go wrong. God is in you.
God is in you. With Him in you, there are millions of resources available. Can't stop worrying, let Christ do it. Can't stop living in the past or give up your bad habits, Christ can and He lives within you. Let God's power work in you. You can't go wrong. God is in you.
Friday, June 4, 2010
God Believes in You
God has... all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us. (Ephesians 2:7)
God believes in you. He doesn't care how you look, He doesn't care where you live. He forgives your sins when you ask. You are a very special person to Him. He knows you will struggle, you will fall, but He is there to pick you up. He created you with a very special purpose in mind and He believes that you will fulfill it. Follow His lead, Believe in Yourself and all that He has created for you. If He didn't think you could do it, He would not have put it on your soul to do it. Believe in yourself, God does.
Say this little prayer when in doubt: God let me see myself through your eyes.
God believes in you. He doesn't care how you look, He doesn't care where you live. He forgives your sins when you ask. You are a very special person to Him. He knows you will struggle, you will fall, but He is there to pick you up. He created you with a very special purpose in mind and He believes that you will fulfill it. Follow His lead, Believe in Yourself and all that He has created for you. If He didn't think you could do it, He would not have put it on your soul to do it. Believe in yourself, God does.
Say this little prayer when in doubt: God let me see myself through your eyes.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Book Review: What Did Jesus Say?
What Did Jesus Say
This book is a good resource for young teens who want to know what Jesus had to say about situations that they find themselves in today. It gives many scripture references along with stories of people in today's world that handle the situation with a Christian attitude. It shows teens that it's okay to be Christian and not go with the flow of their non-Christian counterparts. The book covers 62 topics ranging from abandonment to worthiness and all subjects in between. It is presented in a no nonsense manner that is easy for teens to understand and relate too. The adults can also relate to it by seeing where teens heads are at. I even used the book to write a short devotional when I was searching for answers and I am far from a teen.
I highly recommend this book for teens and anyone who is dealing with teens.
Tyndale House

To comply with new regulations introduced by the Federal Trade Commission, please mention as part of every Web or Amazon review that Tyndale House Publishers has provided you with a complimentary copy of this book or ARC.
This book is a good resource for young teens who want to know what Jesus had to say about situations that they find themselves in today. It gives many scripture references along with stories of people in today's world that handle the situation with a Christian attitude. It shows teens that it's okay to be Christian and not go with the flow of their non-Christian counterparts. The book covers 62 topics ranging from abandonment to worthiness and all subjects in between. It is presented in a no nonsense manner that is easy for teens to understand and relate too. The adults can also relate to it by seeing where teens heads are at. I even used the book to write a short devotional when I was searching for answers and I am far from a teen.
I highly recommend this book for teens and anyone who is dealing with teens.
Tyndale House

To comply with new regulations introduced by the Federal Trade Commission, please mention as part of every Web or Amazon review that Tyndale House Publishers has provided you with a complimentary copy of this book or ARC.
Book Review: Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge
Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge
This book goes right to the heart of a woman by exploring the effects of the dreams and desires she had as a little girl, as God's princess. How were those needs met and how do they affect her as an adult. After discovering this John and Stasi take you on a journey to unlock your true woman and potential with God as your Father.
I founds this book very inciteful, full of lots of good information to help me on my journey with God. You might be saying that this is a book only for women, but I would disagree with you. If there is a man out there that loves a woman and as of yet cannot understand where she is coming from or what drives her to respond the way she does, then this book is also for him. It supplies both women and men the tools to become a full and loving woman in God. It can't do anything but help in the male female relationship sphere. I would recommend this book to all women and the men that they love. It shows you how to let God be the Hero in your story, your knight in shining armor, the one who loves you unconditionally.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.combook review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
This book goes right to the heart of a woman by exploring the effects of the dreams and desires she had as a little girl, as God's princess. How were those needs met and how do they affect her as an adult. After discovering this John and Stasi take you on a journey to unlock your true woman and potential with God as your Father.
I founds this book very inciteful, full of lots of good information to help me on my journey with God. You might be saying that this is a book only for women, but I would disagree with you. If there is a man out there that loves a woman and as of yet cannot understand where she is coming from or what drives her to respond the way she does, then this book is also for him. It supplies both women and men the tools to become a full and loving woman in God. It can't do anything but help in the male female relationship sphere. I would recommend this book to all women and the men that they love. It shows you how to let God be the Hero in your story, your knight in shining armor, the one who loves you unconditionally.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com
Love one another
Owe no man any thing, but to love one another; for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. (Romans 13:8)
We hear it all the time and it has almost become trite, but it is still the truest statement one can make. It has been proven over and over again and yet we struggle with the message. The message Love can transform the world. Simple yet so elusive. The thing is, for our own salvation, we need to find a way to grasp this message and put it to work in our lives. So how do we do that, pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit and then with His help love everyone, friend or foe, lovable and unlovable, sinners and saints. Destroy fear, depression and despair with joy and praise. Drive out sin with love.
We hear it all the time and it has almost become trite, but it is still the truest statement one can make. It has been proven over and over again and yet we struggle with the message. The message Love can transform the world. Simple yet so elusive. The thing is, for our own salvation, we need to find a way to grasp this message and put it to work in our lives. So how do we do that, pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit and then with His help love everyone, friend or foe, lovable and unlovable, sinners and saints. Destroy fear, depression and despair with joy and praise. Drive out sin with love.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Be His Companion
I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine. (Song of Solomon 6:3)
Live with God, think of God, talk to God, grow like God. Love Him, rest in Him, find Joy in Him. That is the way of divine companionship. Be with God.
Live with God, think of God, talk to God, grow like God. Love Him, rest in Him, find Joy in Him. That is the way of divine companionship. Be with God.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Pray without Ceasing.
Pray without ceasing. (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
Simple yet powerful. If we can do nothing else, the least we can do is pray. When you wake in the morning before you begin your day, offer it up to God in prayer. Before you say those harsh words, say a prayer. While you rock the baby to sleep, say a prayer. Every moment of every day offer up in prayers of thanksgiving and praise for our Lord Jesus Christ. Link your soul, mind and heart to God. Be secure in your faith and know that He is there and He hears.
Thank you to all the people who have died to secure and maintain the freedom that we have in America. May God watch over them and take them into His loving embrace.
Simple yet powerful. If we can do nothing else, the least we can do is pray. When you wake in the morning before you begin your day, offer it up to God in prayer. Before you say those harsh words, say a prayer. While you rock the baby to sleep, say a prayer. Every moment of every day offer up in prayers of thanksgiving and praise for our Lord Jesus Christ. Link your soul, mind and heart to God. Be secure in your faith and know that He is there and He hears.
Thank you to all the people who have died to secure and maintain the freedom that we have in America. May God watch over them and take them into His loving embrace.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Ascend the Mountain
This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind... I press toward the mark for the prize of high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3: 13-14)
We are all climbing the mountain to God's glory. However when we dwell on our sins, focus on our mistakes and wallow in past failures, we impede our journey. We get stuck where we are or even worse fall backwards to the base of the mountain. To achieve the summit we must forget all that lies behind us and continually move forward, learning from our failings, but not embracing them. God forgave and forgot should we do any less. Don't dwell among the rocks and crevices at the bottom of the mountain. Leave them behind and ascend to the summit where God will meet you. You are blessed.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Pray for His Love
Godliness with contentment is great gain. (1 Timothy 6:6)
Pray for God's love. When we have His love we should feel joy and peace. If you don't feel that then you perception of His love for you and your love for Him are at fault.
When we truly percieve of God's love, when we love Him, we will feel Him beside us and share all the joy and peace the He brings.
Pray for His Love.
Pray for God's love. When we have His love we should feel joy and peace. If you don't feel that then you perception of His love for you and your love for Him are at fault.
When we truly percieve of God's love, when we love Him, we will feel Him beside us and share all the joy and peace the He brings.
Pray for His Love.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
My Blogs
Hi To All my Loyal Followers,
I wanted to share a little update with you. Even though my first, this is not my only blog. My second blog Dragons Muse @ http://christina-weigand.blogspot.com/ was originally purposed to be for my children's writing and I talked a little about my middle grade wip along with my YA wip. And that worked really well for a while until my YA novel began the publication journey and I started revising the prequel to that same novel. I realized that maybe it was time for the baby to leave it's mother so I started another blog Palace of Twelve Pillars @ http://chrisweigand.wordpress.com/ On this blog I will follow the progress of the Twelve Pillars trilogy, did I say trilogy? Yes it is a trilogy with the first book Palace of Twelve Pillars written and being revised. The second Palace of Three Crosses, just barely started and the third Aaron's Revenge on the publication trail, currently being self published with XLibris, but still looking for a traditional publisher or agent. More can be seen about the trilogy on the blog.
So where does that leave Dragons Muse. That sight still has a purpose of it's own. It is home to my middle grade trilogy beginning with Myrria's Legacy. The other two are barely started and yet to be named. The third one currently titled (but sure to be changed) Ellie's Origami I have been writing for a challenge with another group of bloggers @ http://lovingbooksandmore.blogspot.com/ where we are supposed to write a page a day and post our word counts and the story progress. Myrria's Legacy is now being edited and revised having just finished its first round of critiques, the hardest being the third graders in my daughters class at school who get some of the credit for parts of the story as well as serving as the inspiration and muse. The second book only has about 1000 words at this point but I am hoping to increase that number by 50,000 in November when I participate in NANOWRIMO.
And what about Angels Muse, my first blog child. She will remain in pretty much the same way she has already done. I may shake things up a little by adding excerpts from my ebook Women of the Bible: A Study. I also may make the ebook available for sale on my blog as well as running a Bible Study using it. But I will let you know if and when that will happen. In the meantime you can continue to look for my devotions as frequently as I can get them posted.
Anyway be sure and check out my other blogs: http://christina-weigand.blogspot.com/ and http://chrisweigand.wordpress.com/
All for the Glory of God
Dragons Muse
Palace of Twelve Pillars
I wanted to share a little update with you. Even though my first, this is not my only blog. My second blog Dragons Muse @ http://christina-weigand.blogspot.com/ was originally purposed to be for my children's writing and I talked a little about my middle grade wip along with my YA wip. And that worked really well for a while until my YA novel began the publication journey and I started revising the prequel to that same novel. I realized that maybe it was time for the baby to leave it's mother so I started another blog Palace of Twelve Pillars @ http://chrisweigand.wordpress.com/ On this blog I will follow the progress of the Twelve Pillars trilogy, did I say trilogy? Yes it is a trilogy with the first book Palace of Twelve Pillars written and being revised. The second Palace of Three Crosses, just barely started and the third Aaron's Revenge on the publication trail, currently being self published with XLibris, but still looking for a traditional publisher or agent. More can be seen about the trilogy on the blog.
So where does that leave Dragons Muse. That sight still has a purpose of it's own. It is home to my middle grade trilogy beginning with Myrria's Legacy. The other two are barely started and yet to be named. The third one currently titled (but sure to be changed) Ellie's Origami I have been writing for a challenge with another group of bloggers @ http://lovingbooksandmore.blogspot.com/ where we are supposed to write a page a day and post our word counts and the story progress. Myrria's Legacy is now being edited and revised having just finished its first round of critiques, the hardest being the third graders in my daughters class at school who get some of the credit for parts of the story as well as serving as the inspiration and muse. The second book only has about 1000 words at this point but I am hoping to increase that number by 50,000 in November when I participate in NANOWRIMO.
And what about Angels Muse, my first blog child. She will remain in pretty much the same way she has already done. I may shake things up a little by adding excerpts from my ebook Women of the Bible: A Study. I also may make the ebook available for sale on my blog as well as running a Bible Study using it. But I will let you know if and when that will happen. In the meantime you can continue to look for my devotions as frequently as I can get them posted.
Anyway be sure and check out my other blogs: http://christina-weigand.blogspot.com/ and http://chrisweigand.wordpress.com/
All for the Glory of God
Dragons Muse
Palace of Twelve Pillars
Deep roots and High Branches
As ye have therfore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: rooted and built up in him. (Colossians 2: 6-7)
We need roots in God as we reach for the Son of the life He offers us. Roots are important. When set firmly in place they give us security we need to reach for the Son. But we can't become boggged down in the mud and slush our human lives feed us. We must move on continue to reach for the Son, for the life that God has waiting for us. God is the roots, God is the destination. We need both. Plant your roots deep and reach high for God is waiting.
We need roots in God as we reach for the Son of the life He offers us. Roots are important. When set firmly in place they give us security we need to reach for the Son. But we can't become boggged down in the mud and slush our human lives feed us. We must move on continue to reach for the Son, for the life that God has waiting for us. God is the roots, God is the destination. We need both. Plant your roots deep and reach high for God is waiting.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Ask and it shall be given.
Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall recieve, that your joy may be full. (John 16:24)
Have you ever looked at your friend or neighbor and are envious, because they seem to have it all? That things come easily for them while you struggle and fight for ever,ything? Do you feel as if your prayers go unanswered, that they are falling on deaf ears?
Have you put in the discipline, had the patience, waited on God? Those that you envy may have already been through the storm. They have been disciplined, have had the patience. Ask, pray and it shall be given. Accept the discipline, wait with patience and God's power will be yours.
Have you ever looked at your friend or neighbor and are envious, because they seem to have it all? That things come easily for them while you struggle and fight for ever,ything? Do you feel as if your prayers go unanswered, that they are falling on deaf ears?
Have you put in the discipline, had the patience, waited on God? Those that you envy may have already been through the storm. They have been disciplined, have had the patience. Ask, pray and it shall be given. Accept the discipline, wait with patience and God's power will be yours.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Be the Mustard Seed
Jesus said unto them... If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed... nothing shall be impossible unto you. (Matthew 17:20)
God wants us to be like the mustard seed. It grows with no thought of what lies ahead. It has no care as to even if it will survive and yet it takes root and pushes its way through the hard soil to an unknown future.
This is what heaven is like. We leave all our worries and cares to God and just grow in His likeness. He will take care of everything. We are loved by Him and just as the mustard seed accomplishes life so to, there will be no limit to what we can accomplish when we leave all our worries and cares to God.
God wants us to be like the mustard seed. It grows with no thought of what lies ahead. It has no care as to even if it will survive and yet it takes root and pushes its way through the hard soil to an unknown future.
This is what heaven is like. We leave all our worries and cares to God and just grow in His likeness. He will take care of everything. We are loved by Him and just as the mustard seed accomplishes life so to, there will be no limit to what we can accomplish when we leave all our worries and cares to God.
Monday, May 24, 2010
He is a Generous God
Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God. (2 Corinthians 3:5)
Our God is a lavish God. He gives abundantly. Didn't Simon Peter end up with more fish than he knew what to do with? Didn't the Israelites have enough food and water while wandering in the desert for forty years? Didn't the 5000 on the mountain have enough food with leftovers? God takes care of us. Let go of the human vision of limitations. Abundance is of God. Recieve His showers of abundance and then shower from your abundance. He is a Generous God, we should be a generous people.
Our God is a lavish God. He gives abundantly. Didn't Simon Peter end up with more fish than he knew what to do with? Didn't the Israelites have enough food and water while wandering in the desert for forty years? Didn't the 5000 on the mountain have enough food with leftovers? God takes care of us. Let go of the human vision of limitations. Abundance is of God. Recieve His showers of abundance and then shower from your abundance. He is a Generous God, we should be a generous people.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
God is the Victor
Only be thou strong and very courageous. (Joshua 1:7)
With God all is yours. Do not fear, do not cower in the darkness. Face everything head on with the intent to win it all. God is Victory and all that is done in Him is Victory.
With God all is yours. Do not fear, do not cower in the darkness. Face everything head on with the intent to win it all. God is Victory and all that is done in Him is Victory.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
God is your Rescuer
He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay; and set my feet upon a rock. (Psalm 40:2)
Have you ever been in a situation where you need rescued, maybe you were drowning or trapped on a mountainside or lost in the woods? Maybe you have needed a spiritual rescue, you were drowning in despair, or lost in the secular world with no help. Has your rescuer appeared only to have you try to help or even struggle against the offer? Ultimately the rescue was not successful, right. What happened when you didn't fight, didn't try to help? Your rescuer was able to bring you to safety, safely. You were able to rest and recover. God wants to be your rescuer. He doesn't need your help, He doesn't want you to struggle against His efforts or do it on your own. If you rest knowing all is safe in His hands He will be your rescuer.
Have you ever been in a situation where you need rescued, maybe you were drowning or trapped on a mountainside or lost in the woods? Maybe you have needed a spiritual rescue, you were drowning in despair, or lost in the secular world with no help. Has your rescuer appeared only to have you try to help or even struggle against the offer? Ultimately the rescue was not successful, right. What happened when you didn't fight, didn't try to help? Your rescuer was able to bring you to safety, safely. You were able to rest and recover. God wants to be your rescuer. He doesn't need your help, He doesn't want you to struggle against His efforts or do it on your own. If you rest knowing all is safe in His hands He will be your rescuer.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Look to God
Every one... when he looketh upon it, shall live. (Numbers 21:8)
Look to God and you will be saved. Simple, look when you are sad, look to when you are happy. Looke when you are despairing, when your days are darkest look to God. He will be there, He is your salvation.
Look to God and you will be saved. Simple, look when you are sad, look to when you are happy. Looke when you are despairing, when your days are darkest look to God. He will be there, He is your salvation.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Share your pain with one who can help
I would not have you be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. (1 Thessalonians 4:13)
Do not sorrow, do not grieve without hope for light in the darkness. God doesn't want us to grieve without hope and gives us the light to see through the darkness. He can turn your sorrow to joy, your tears into laughter. Call out to Him, lean on Him. Share your sadness with Him. He is the light. Praise God.
On another note, I owe you all an apology. I haven't been keeping up with with sharing my morning devotions with you. Life has been making demands that have pulled me away. I can't promise that life will always stay out of the way, but God willing I will continue to share what He is doing in my life for as long as He wills it.
Do not sorrow, do not grieve without hope for light in the darkness. God doesn't want us to grieve without hope and gives us the light to see through the darkness. He can turn your sorrow to joy, your tears into laughter. Call out to Him, lean on Him. Share your sadness with Him. He is the light. Praise God.
On another note, I owe you all an apology. I haven't been keeping up with with sharing my morning devotions with you. Life has been making demands that have pulled me away. I can't promise that life will always stay out of the way, but God willing I will continue to share what He is doing in my life for as long as He wills it.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Do not Judge
Judge not, that ye be not judged. (Matthew 7:1)
Do you know every circumstance of your neighbor's life, what makes them do the things they do? Are you even aware of all the things that make you do the things you do? God does. He knows every instance in your life that influences the way you behave today. He knows your innermost heart and soul.
If we barely know ourselves, how can we be in a place to pass judgement over our neighbors? Leave the judging to God, He knows the hearts and souls of all. He is the teacher, He has the understanding, the knowledge. Take your heart and those you mean to judge to God. Let Him be the judge, let Him be the teacher. He will fix all, He will judge based on what He knows not on what we don't know.
Do you know every circumstance of your neighbor's life, what makes them do the things they do? Are you even aware of all the things that make you do the things you do? God does. He knows every instance in your life that influences the way you behave today. He knows your innermost heart and soul.
If we barely know ourselves, how can we be in a place to pass judgement over our neighbors? Leave the judging to God, He knows the hearts and souls of all. He is the teacher, He has the understanding, the knowledge. Take your heart and those you mean to judge to God. Let Him be the judge, let Him be the teacher. He will fix all, He will judge based on what He knows not on what we don't know.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Tides of God
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. (Philippians 2:13)
We always hear the advice; Go with the flow, go with the tide and when you are trying to traverse a river that seems like good advice. However when we trust God we go against the flow, against the tide. Once we have embraced Jesus, even in the most difficult times, the wildest tides, the swirling eddies, we will overcome and it will be with our strength and doing through Jesus that we will win the day and share the joy.
We always hear the advice; Go with the flow, go with the tide and when you are trying to traverse a river that seems like good advice. However when we trust God we go against the flow, against the tide. Once we have embraced Jesus, even in the most difficult times, the wildest tides, the swirling eddies, we will overcome and it will be with our strength and doing through Jesus that we will win the day and share the joy.
I haven't posted much here since the end of April, but not because I had nothing going on in my life. On the contrary there have been quite a few things happening personally and professionally. For the sake of brevity I will just fill you in on the professional stuff.
First and biggest at least in my mind: I am in the process of working with Xlibris to self publish Aaron's Revenge. I have already edited the first galleys and am praying not to have to do any corrections on the second galleys. Xlibris is putting together and email campaign for me. I will update you as the publication date gets closer. I haven't given up on traditional publishing though and still plan to pursue agents and publishers until I find one that is interested in taking on Aaron's Revenge. Stay tuned for a synopsis of the story in future posts.
Second: About a month ago I sent a query to the Archdiocese of Chicago and their First Years and Forever online newsletter for marriages in their early years. After some email exchanges I finally got word from the editor that they are going to publish my article Who's in First in their July issue of the newsletter.
Other than those two things I have been doing a lot of editing and rewriting on my WIP's and actually made an initial start on a new middle grade or YA novel. I'm not sure we'll see where the characters take me.
First and biggest at least in my mind: I am in the process of working with Xlibris to self publish Aaron's Revenge. I have already edited the first galleys and am praying not to have to do any corrections on the second galleys. Xlibris is putting together and email campaign for me. I will update you as the publication date gets closer. I haven't given up on traditional publishing though and still plan to pursue agents and publishers until I find one that is interested in taking on Aaron's Revenge. Stay tuned for a synopsis of the story in future posts.
Second: About a month ago I sent a query to the Archdiocese of Chicago and their First Years and Forever online newsletter for marriages in their early years. After some email exchanges I finally got word from the editor that they are going to publish my article Who's in First in their July issue of the newsletter.
Other than those two things I have been doing a lot of editing and rewriting on my WIP's and actually made an initial start on a new middle grade or YA novel. I'm not sure we'll see where the characters take me.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Lead to Christ and be Healed
Whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water... verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward. (Matthew 10:42)
He feels and heals our pain. We should share this. We should teach the world, there is only one cure for all it's ills, Jesus. He knows our pain, and He can heal us. He is the only one who can. Bring the world to Jesus. Be confident in what He will do. Share their pain and lead them to Christ and He will heal.
He feels and heals our pain. We should share this. We should teach the world, there is only one cure for all it's ills, Jesus. He knows our pain, and He can heal us. He is the only one who can. Bring the world to Jesus. Be confident in what He will do. Share their pain and lead them to Christ and He will heal.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Be a Child of God
Behold as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress; so our eyes wait upon the Lord our God. (Psalm 123:2)
As children we rely on our parents for everything, we expect them to make decisions that are in our best interest even when we don't really want to follow through. As we get older most of us move away from our reliance on our parents, and begin to make decisions on our own. God doesn't want us to grow out of our reliance on Him. He wants us to be like children and turn to Him for everything, embrace the decisions He makes on our behalf. God knows the path we journey and if we leave the choices to Him we will have no regrets.
As children we rely on our parents for everything, we expect them to make decisions that are in our best interest even when we don't really want to follow through. As we get older most of us move away from our reliance on our parents, and begin to make decisions on our own. God doesn't want us to grow out of our reliance on Him. He wants us to be like children and turn to Him for everything, embrace the decisions He makes on our behalf. God knows the path we journey and if we leave the choices to Him we will have no regrets.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Mothers Day for God
Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests will be made known unto God. (Philippians 4:6)
Mother's Day is coming up soon and this verse puts me in the mind of children. On Mother's Day, children will do all they can to please mom. And Mom's will do everything they can to share in the excitement that is bubbling out of the children.
God wants a relationship like that with us. He wants to come to Him with the innocence of a child. He wants us to share everything with Him, our joy, our pain, everything. Then God wants to be like the mother, He wants to be part of the excitement. It brings Him joy to share in our joy.
Let's make everyday God's Day and share everything with Him. Praise God.
Mother's Day is coming up soon and this verse puts me in the mind of children. On Mother's Day, children will do all they can to please mom. And Mom's will do everything they can to share in the excitement that is bubbling out of the children.
God wants a relationship like that with us. He wants to come to Him with the innocence of a child. He wants us to share everything with Him, our joy, our pain, everything. Then God wants to be like the mother, He wants to be part of the excitement. It brings Him joy to share in our joy.
Let's make everyday God's Day and share everything with Him. Praise God.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Z is for Zero to Zillion with Zeal
Z is for Zero to Zillion with Zeal
Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased. (Psalm 4:7)
In the spring we plant the seeds that in summer will become new life that is all around us.We start with nothing, Zero, with Zeal we add nourishment and nurture and soon we have many, a Zillion. God is doing the same thing with us. He starts with nothing, Zero and with Zeal He nourishes and nurtures us until we become all that He wants us to be, a Zillion times past the point where we started. We can do the same when we reach out to others and share the word of God with Zeal. We start at Zero and with Zeal we share His word and someday we reach a Zillion. Proclaim God's word with Zeal and you will feel His gladness in His heart.
Z is for Zero to Zillion with Zeal
Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased. (Psalm 4:7)
In the spring we plant the seeds that in summer will become new life that is all around us.We start with nothing, Zero, with Zeal we add nourishment and nurture and soon we have many, a Zillion. God is doing the same thing with us. He starts with nothing, Zero and with Zeal He nourishes and nurtures us until we become all that He wants us to be, a Zillion times past the point where we started. We can do the same when we reach out to others and share the word of God with Zeal. We start at Zero and with Zeal we share His word and someday we reach a Zillion. Proclaim God's word with Zeal and you will feel His gladness in His heart.
Z is for Zero to Zillion with Zeal
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Y is for You
Y is for You
Ask and it shall be given you: seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. (Luke 11:9)
If God is for You who can be against You. I don't know who the author of that statement is, but whoever it was hit the nail on the head. The thing is we often don't see it that way. We think that since things aren't perfect and mistakenly assume that it is God that has failed us. The truth of the matter is we are the ones causing the disharmony.
God's kingdom is perfect and when we are obediant, honest, orderly and loving then we can attain His perfect kingdom. You can have it all when You let God in. God doesn't fail. He is always there for You.
Y is for You
Ask and it shall be given you: seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. (Luke 11:9)
If God is for You who can be against You. I don't know who the author of that statement is, but whoever it was hit the nail on the head. The thing is we often don't see it that way. We think that since things aren't perfect and mistakenly assume that it is God that has failed us. The truth of the matter is we are the ones causing the disharmony.
God's kingdom is perfect and when we are obediant, honest, orderly and loving then we can attain His perfect kingdom. You can have it all when You let God in. God doesn't fail. He is always there for You.
Y is for You
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
X is for Xenophobe
X is for Xenophobe
Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost. (Luke 15:6)
Do not fear or hate the strangers, the foreigners. Instead go with God and seek them out. Help to bring them to Christ. There is no need to be a Xenophobe with Jesus by your side. Join Him on His undying quest to find lost sheep. Follow the Master and He will make the strangers family. Xenophobia be gone, Jesus is in the building.
X is for Xenophobe
Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost. (Luke 15:6)
Do not fear or hate the strangers, the foreigners. Instead go with God and seek them out. Help to bring them to Christ. There is no need to be a Xenophobe with Jesus by your side. Join Him on His undying quest to find lost sheep. Follow the Master and He will make the strangers family. Xenophobia be gone, Jesus is in the building.
X is for Xenophobe
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
W is for Way, Water and Wait
W is for Way, Water and Wait,
Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. (John 20:29)
Most of us will never have the opportunity to see Jesus the Way Thomas did, to touch the nail wounds in His hands, the sword wound in His side. We won't actually see the Water gushing from the wound in His side. Yet if we Wait and believe, we will recieve the Water of life and see the Way of God.
We may not see, but we need not doubt like Thomas. For Jesus is the Way, He is the life giving Water for our souls and we not Wait. He is here for us, He will show us the Way.
W is for Way, Water and Wait
Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. (John 20:29)
Most of us will never have the opportunity to see Jesus the Way Thomas did, to touch the nail wounds in His hands, the sword wound in His side. We won't actually see the Water gushing from the wound in His side. Yet if we Wait and believe, we will recieve the Water of life and see the Way of God.
We may not see, but we need not doubt like Thomas. For Jesus is the Way, He is the life giving Water for our souls and we not Wait. He is here for us, He will show us the Way.
W is for Way, Water and Wait
Monday, April 26, 2010
V is for Valiantly and Victory
V is for Valiantly and Victory
When they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. (Matthew 10:19)
As a writer for God I sometimes struggle and try to force the words to come. I forget that God will give me the words when I let go and let Him. The times when I relax and let the spirit move me, the words come and the writing becomes almost easy. I am not the only person who tries to stand in God's way, we all do.
We like to think that we can do it all without help, without guidance. We are all powerful and can do anything. Even when our bodies, our minds, our relationships send signals that it's time to let go, we still refuse using platitudes like I've failed, how will other people look at me.
Yet, God wants us to turn to Him. He doesn't see it as failure, instead He sees Victory. Victory for you, Victory for Him. When we don't turn to Him we impede His work in us. We prevent Him from accomplishing all that He wants to accomplish in each and every one of us.
Valiantly rest in God. Don't seek work or make opportunities for Him. Valiantly live with Him and for Him. Let Him seek the work and make the opportunities. Then with Him you will see Victory.
V is for Valiantly and Victory
When they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. (Matthew 10:19)
As a writer for God I sometimes struggle and try to force the words to come. I forget that God will give me the words when I let go and let Him. The times when I relax and let the spirit move me, the words come and the writing becomes almost easy. I am not the only person who tries to stand in God's way, we all do.
We like to think that we can do it all without help, without guidance. We are all powerful and can do anything. Even when our bodies, our minds, our relationships send signals that it's time to let go, we still refuse using platitudes like I've failed, how will other people look at me.
Yet, God wants us to turn to Him. He doesn't see it as failure, instead He sees Victory. Victory for you, Victory for Him. When we don't turn to Him we impede His work in us. We prevent Him from accomplishing all that He wants to accomplish in each and every one of us.
Valiantly rest in God. Don't seek work or make opportunities for Him. Valiantly live with Him and for Him. Let Him seek the work and make the opportunities. Then with Him you will see Victory.
V is for Valiantly and Victory
Saturday, April 24, 2010
U is for Unconditional Love
U is for Unconditional Love
I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish. (John 10:28)
All of us want to be loved unconditionally. Even those of us who are married don't always feel an unconditional love. There is one place where we can find it, with God. He loves us no matter what. We don't have to earn it, He offers it freely.He doesn't care what size you are, what color you are. He doesn't look at political or religious affiliation. All He asks is that you love Him in return. Turn to God, Love Him, Obey Him, recieve Unconditional Love.
U is for Unconditional Love
I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish. (John 10:28)
All of us want to be loved unconditionally. Even those of us who are married don't always feel an unconditional love. There is one place where we can find it, with God. He loves us no matter what. We don't have to earn it, He offers it freely.He doesn't care what size you are, what color you are. He doesn't look at political or religious affiliation. All He asks is that you love Him in return. Turn to God, Love Him, Obey Him, recieve Unconditional Love.
U is for Unconditional Love
Friday, April 23, 2010
What if...
When I took this challenge last week I figured it would be easy. I should have known better. One of the reasons it has taken me so long to write my follow up post is because when it came to doing the follow up on my 5 what ifs it wasn't so easy and I didn't do so well.
So now I'll report on my progress:
1. What if I make love to my husband? Didn't happen, I had the best of intentions all week, but when crunch time came I didn't do it.
2. What if I really rewrite Twelve Pillars? I did look at it and started on the second chapter, but I just did some editing and not any major rewriting. It seems I picked a chapter that didn't need much rewriting. So I guess I have to go back to chapter one, since my beginning is weak and then move on from there.
3. What if i started that couples Bible study with Al? (He is my husband). We did do that. On Wednesday night we went to bed early and did the first chapter. We talked and communicated our feelings and actually did not get angry or fight. Now we'll have to see what happens with chapter two.
4. What if I really stuck to and committed to a diet and exercise plan for a week? Another one of my didn't happens. I did go to the gym twice this week and ride the exercycle for 30 minutes, but the dieting went out the window. However I have to keep moving forward and plan on going at it again next week. God grant me the strength I need to follow through with this one. I know I need to lose the weight for so many reasons and I have admittted that I am f.....a.......t (wow that's even hard to type), so how do I move on to the next step where do I find the motivation and the stick-to-itness I need. I keep telling my daughter she needs to find it within herself with God as her help. How do I take my own advice?
5. What if I really let go and let God? You should be able to tell from my previous answers that this wasn't very successful either, because if I had let go and let God I would have had more successes this past week. Sometimes I do and I have seen the results, but it is so hard to let go of all the stress and worries and let God handle it. I'm not sure I know completely how to do that.
So that is the result of my What if challenge. Maybe I will keep them where I can see them and continue to work towards them coming to fruition.
Bonnie thanks for the challenge.
When I took this challenge last week I figured it would be easy. I should have known better. One of the reasons it has taken me so long to write my follow up post is because when it came to doing the follow up on my 5 what ifs it wasn't so easy and I didn't do so well.
So now I'll report on my progress:
1. What if I make love to my husband? Didn't happen, I had the best of intentions all week, but when crunch time came I didn't do it.
2. What if I really rewrite Twelve Pillars? I did look at it and started on the second chapter, but I just did some editing and not any major rewriting. It seems I picked a chapter that didn't need much rewriting. So I guess I have to go back to chapter one, since my beginning is weak and then move on from there.
3. What if i started that couples Bible study with Al? (He is my husband). We did do that. On Wednesday night we went to bed early and did the first chapter. We talked and communicated our feelings and actually did not get angry or fight. Now we'll have to see what happens with chapter two.
4. What if I really stuck to and committed to a diet and exercise plan for a week? Another one of my didn't happens. I did go to the gym twice this week and ride the exercycle for 30 minutes, but the dieting went out the window. However I have to keep moving forward and plan on going at it again next week. God grant me the strength I need to follow through with this one. I know I need to lose the weight for so many reasons and I have admittted that I am f.....a.......t (wow that's even hard to type), so how do I move on to the next step where do I find the motivation and the stick-to-itness I need. I keep telling my daughter she needs to find it within herself with God as her help. How do I take my own advice?
5. What if I really let go and let God? You should be able to tell from my previous answers that this wasn't very successful either, because if I had let go and let God I would have had more successes this past week. Sometimes I do and I have seen the results, but it is so hard to let go of all the stress and worries and let God handle it. I'm not sure I know completely how to do that.
So that is the result of my What if challenge. Maybe I will keep them where I can see them and continue to work towards them coming to fruition.
Bonnie thanks for the challenge.
T is for Trust don't Talk
T is for Trust don't Talk
Study to be quiet. (1 Thessalonians 4:11)
At first this may seem to a strange idea. Don't talk, how do we share God's message? How do people hear the message? When we become one with God, form a union with Him then people sense His presence in us. Pray for His presence to be obvious in you. Let His works be done through you. Trust the Lord. He sees the need and reveals Himself through us. Don't Talk, Trust.
T is for Trust don't Talk
Study to be quiet. (1 Thessalonians 4:11)
At first this may seem to a strange idea. Don't talk, how do we share God's message? How do people hear the message? When we become one with God, form a union with Him then people sense His presence in us. Pray for His presence to be obvious in you. Let His works be done through you. Trust the Lord. He sees the need and reveals Himself through us. Don't Talk, Trust.
T is for Trust don't Talk
Thursday, April 22, 2010
S is for Savor God's goodnes
S is for Savor God's goodness
Serve the Lord with gladness...Be thankful unto him and bless his name. (Psalm 100: 2,4)
Today is Earth Day 2010 and I wanted to share a devotion about the Earth and our spiritual responsibility to it. God gave us this wonderful planet and it is up to us to keep it wonderful, to care for it. When we care for it then we can Savor God's gift to us, we can enjoy it, we can be thankful for all that He has given us and we can anticipate the home He has waiting for us, when we leave this earth, the one we have cared for. Be thankful and Savor God's goodness.
S is for Savor God's goodness
Serve the Lord with gladness...Be thankful unto him and bless his name. (Psalm 100: 2,4)
Today is Earth Day 2010 and I wanted to share a devotion about the Earth and our spiritual responsibility to it. God gave us this wonderful planet and it is up to us to keep it wonderful, to care for it. When we care for it then we can Savor God's gift to us, we can enjoy it, we can be thankful for all that He has given us and we can anticipate the home He has waiting for us, when we leave this earth, the one we have cared for. Be thankful and Savor God's goodness.
S is for Savor God's goodness
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
R is for Rejoice
R is for Rejoice
I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you. (Exodus 3:14)
Do not fear change, instead Rejoice. God never changes. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. When you dwell in Christ His strength is yours.
Life is a school. Pupils with great promise are singled out for strenuous and unwearied discipline, teaching and training. Rejoice that God has chosen you, and will share the burden. You will be stronger in Him. Rejoice and Thank God for all.
R is for Rejoice
I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you. (Exodus 3:14)
Do not fear change, instead Rejoice. God never changes. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. When you dwell in Christ His strength is yours.
Life is a school. Pupils with great promise are singled out for strenuous and unwearied discipline, teaching and training. Rejoice that God has chosen you, and will share the burden. You will be stronger in Him. Rejoice and Thank God for all.
R is for Rejoice
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Q is for don't Quit
We have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin. (Hebrews 4:15)
Don't Quit, remain faithful, love God. Obey God and bring joy and comfort to His loving heart. Be like the disciples that stood by the Cross on Calvary to the end. Be there for Him and He will be there for you. Don't Quit on God and He won't Quit on you.
D is for don't Quit
Don't Quit, remain faithful, love God. Obey God and bring joy and comfort to His loving heart. Be like the disciples that stood by the Cross on Calvary to the end. Be there for Him and He will be there for you. Don't Quit on God and He won't Quit on you.
D is for don't Quit
Monday, April 19, 2010
P is for Praise
He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love. (Song of Solomon 2:4)
Praise God, He has just given you the best news. He loves you. He knows of your need for Him and answers that need. Guess what, He needs you too.
When you give your heart to God glorious things happen. There will be wonderful discoveries, tender intimacies and an amazing incomprehensible understanding of life and love. Life with God-- the ultimate Love Story. Sing Praise to God because His love can endure all. Praise God.
P is for Praise
Praise God, He has just given you the best news. He loves you. He knows of your need for Him and answers that need. Guess what, He needs you too.
When you give your heart to God glorious things happen. There will be wonderful discoveries, tender intimacies and an amazing incomprehensible understanding of life and love. Life with God-- the ultimate Love Story. Sing Praise to God because His love can endure all. Praise God.
P is for Praise
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Review: The Secret Holocaust Diaries The Untold Story of Nonna Bannister
The Secret Holocaust Diaries: The Untold Story of Nonna Bannister
By: Nonna Bannister with Denise George and Carolyn Tomlin
Before reading this book, I was aware of the atrocities committed during World War II, and I was very aware of what happened to the Jews. What I wasn't so aware of was what happened to other populations, like the Polish, Ukrainians and Russians. Nonna Lisowskaja had the distinct privilege or misfortune depending on the point of view, of falling into all three of these categories. Because of this distinction she was subjected to many of the German atrocities that the Jewish people suffered. In this book, through her diaries, letters and other memories we relive the horrors through her eyewitness accounts. It is a haunting, terrifying, yet courageous and uplifting story, that anyone with an interest in that time period should read.
Even people who aren't fascinated by the history of the time should read it for the light and hope it holds. For throughout the book we see Nonna's courage, forgiveness and hope repeated time and time again even in the face of unbelievable horrors.

To comply with new regulations introduced by the Federal Trade Commission, please mention as part of every Web or Amazon review that Tyndale House Publishers has provided you with a complimentary copy of this book or ARC.
By: Nonna Bannister with Denise George and Carolyn Tomlin
Before reading this book, I was aware of the atrocities committed during World War II, and I was very aware of what happened to the Jews. What I wasn't so aware of was what happened to other populations, like the Polish, Ukrainians and Russians. Nonna Lisowskaja had the distinct privilege or misfortune depending on the point of view, of falling into all three of these categories. Because of this distinction she was subjected to many of the German atrocities that the Jewish people suffered. In this book, through her diaries, letters and other memories we relive the horrors through her eyewitness accounts. It is a haunting, terrifying, yet courageous and uplifting story, that anyone with an interest in that time period should read.
Even people who aren't fascinated by the history of the time should read it for the light and hope it holds. For throughout the book we see Nonna's courage, forgiveness and hope repeated time and time again even in the face of unbelievable horrors.

To comply with new regulations introduced by the Federal Trade Commission, please mention as part of every Web or Amazon review that Tyndale House Publishers has provided you with a complimentary copy of this book or ARC.
O is for Obey
If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed: and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:31-32)
There are two joys, the first born of love and wonder and the second comes from love and knowledge. Our lives are spent battling the discipline, disappointment and disillusion that lies between the two. Rely on God's strength to wage these battles. Obey God's will, accept His discipline, perservere in your faith. The second joy will come when we Obey God.
O is for Obey
There are two joys, the first born of love and wonder and the second comes from love and knowledge. Our lives are spent battling the discipline, disappointment and disillusion that lies between the two. Rely on God's strength to wage these battles. Obey God's will, accept His discipline, perservere in your faith. The second joy will come when we Obey God.
O is for Obey
Friday, April 16, 2010
N is for Neverending
We have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. (1 John 4:16)
Simple statement. God loves us, He loves us unconditionally and His love is Neverending. He is love. Accept God's love, put it to action in your life. Don't judge, don't resent, be patient. God's love will supply all the power. Let your love be as God's unconditional and Neverending and He will return that love to you forever. It will be Neverending.
N is for Neverending
Simple statement. God loves us, He loves us unconditionally and His love is Neverending. He is love. Accept God's love, put it to action in your life. Don't judge, don't resent, be patient. God's love will supply all the power. Let your love be as God's unconditional and Neverending and He will return that love to you forever. It will be Neverending.
N is for Neverending
Thursday, April 15, 2010
M is for Man is Mighty in the Lord
He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
All can be accomplished through the Lord. When Man sacrifices self and lets the Spirit flow through them, then no matter how humble or lowly, he becomes Mighty in the Lord.
Pray about all and focus on a few until those are accomplished. The Lord will provide your strength. Don't stand in His way by trying to do it without Him. You don't have what you need for that and will fail. Your sin will stand in the way of God's plan. For Man is Mighty in the Lord.
M is for Man is Mighty in the Lord
All can be accomplished through the Lord. When Man sacrifices self and lets the Spirit flow through them, then no matter how humble or lowly, he becomes Mighty in the Lord.
Pray about all and focus on a few until those are accomplished. The Lord will provide your strength. Don't stand in His way by trying to do it without Him. You don't have what you need for that and will fail. Your sin will stand in the way of God's plan. For Man is Mighty in the Lord.
M is for Man is Mighty in the Lord
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
L is for Love the Lord
Thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying. This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. (Isaiah 30:21)
Walk with the Lord on one side and the faithful on the other. Be encouraged as you walk this path. The Lord's guidance is intensified immeasurably in power when two or more journey with Him in faith and Love. Love the Lord and journey in faith.
L is for Love the Lord
Walk with the Lord on one side and the faithful on the other. Be encouraged as you walk this path. The Lord's guidance is intensified immeasurably in power when two or more journey with Him in faith and Love. Love the Lord and journey in faith.
L is for Love the Lord
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
K is for Kindred
Let love be without dissimulation. (Romans 12:9)
Lord make me Kindred with you. Teach me to be gentle, to see the heart you see. Let me know the pain of others. Act as an interpreter between my heart and that of others.
When I pray let me find rest for my soul. Help me lay the path for success through a Kindred spirit with You by doing my tasks faithfully and with a persistance of faith and love. Lord be a Kindred spirit with me.
K is for Kindred
Lord make me Kindred with you. Teach me to be gentle, to see the heart you see. Let me know the pain of others. Act as an interpreter between my heart and that of others.
When I pray let me find rest for my soul. Help me lay the path for success through a Kindred spirit with You by doing my tasks faithfully and with a persistance of faith and love. Lord be a Kindred spirit with me.
K is for Kindred
Monday, April 12, 2010
J is for Joy on the Journey
Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. (Matthew 7:7)
We all struggle on our Journey of faith. God waits for us to ask for guidance on the Journey. God finds Joy in giving us help and guidance. Our faith and reliance gives Him the opportunity to manifest His power. When God unlocks His resources because of his Joy in our faith, we see the purpose of the Journey and share in His Joy at the outcome of the Journey. Have faith, turn to God, share His Joy at our Journey.
J is for Joy on the Journey
We all struggle on our Journey of faith. God waits for us to ask for guidance on the Journey. God finds Joy in giving us help and guidance. Our faith and reliance gives Him the opportunity to manifest His power. When God unlocks His resources because of his Joy in our faith, we see the purpose of the Journey and share in His Joy at the outcome of the Journey. Have faith, turn to God, share His Joy at our Journey.
J is for Joy on the Journey
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Review The Revolutionary Paul Revere
The Revolutionary Paul Revere
By: Joel J. Miller
If you want to read an interesting, historical book about our country and some of the men who were instrumental in obtaining the freedom we enjoy, then The Revolutionary Paul Revere is a good read. The book gives many of the facts of the Revolutionary war in and around Boston as seen from the perspective of Paul Revere. We get a little insight into his family and personal life, but the book mostly focuses on his involvement with the business and politics of the time.
If you are looking for a story that reads like a novel, this is not the book. However if you are looking for a good accounting of the facts and faces in Paul Revere's part of the world during the Revolutionary period of our country then this is the book for you.
There is no doubt Paul Revere was a great man. His contributions as a spy, entrepreneur, express rider, freemason and commercial visionary contributed to making this country what it is today and Joel Miller does a good job of making us aware of these contributions.
By: Joel J. Miller
If you want to read an interesting, historical book about our country and some of the men who were instrumental in obtaining the freedom we enjoy, then The Revolutionary Paul Revere is a good read. The book gives many of the facts of the Revolutionary war in and around Boston as seen from the perspective of Paul Revere. We get a little insight into his family and personal life, but the book mostly focuses on his involvement with the business and politics of the time.
If you are looking for a story that reads like a novel, this is not the book. However if you are looking for a good accounting of the facts and faces in Paul Revere's part of the world during the Revolutionary period of our country then this is the book for you.
There is no doubt Paul Revere was a great man. His contributions as a spy, entrepreneur, express rider, freemason and commercial visionary contributed to making this country what it is today and Joel Miller does a good job of making us aware of these contributions.

I is for Inspiration and Imagination
Whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. (1 John 3:22)
God is my muse. My Inspiration, my Imagination all come from Him. When I become to prideful and take too much credit for the work I bar the way to full communion with God. Pride will block the door to my heart and soul, Jesus will not be able to enter.
I must set aside my pride, celebrate and be thankful for the gifts God has given me, then Jesus can enter my heart, my soul and I can enter His home, my home, Heaven. Thank you God for the Inspiration and Imagination you've given me and the ability to take those words and share them with the world.
I is for Inspiration and Imagination
God is my muse. My Inspiration, my Imagination all come from Him. When I become to prideful and take too much credit for the work I bar the way to full communion with God. Pride will block the door to my heart and soul, Jesus will not be able to enter.
I must set aside my pride, celebrate and be thankful for the gifts God has given me, then Jesus can enter my heart, my soul and I can enter His home, my home, Heaven. Thank you God for the Inspiration and Imagination you've given me and the ability to take those words and share them with the world.
I is for Inspiration and Imagination
Friday, April 9, 2010
D, E, F, G is for...
Okay I was not able to get on my computer for d, e, f and g devotions so here is a readers digest condensed version to let you know I did think about it.
Easter gives us God's Divine Grace Forever.
D, E, F, G ...
Easter gives us God's Divine Grace Forever.
D, E, F, G ...
H is for Hinderances to Holiness, Hallelujah
That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made comformable unto his death. (Phillippians 3:10)
Let go of all that Hinders you. Be released from your earth-bands and experience the Holiness of the risen life in Christ. Arise to beauty, to joy, to peace. Work inspired by love and joy. Rise from death to life. HALLELUJAH He lives.
H is for HInderance to Holiness, Hallelujah
Let go of all that Hinders you. Be released from your earth-bands and experience the Holiness of the risen life in Christ. Arise to beauty, to joy, to peace. Work inspired by love and joy. Rise from death to life. HALLELUJAH He lives.
H is for HInderance to Holiness, Hallelujah
Saturday, April 3, 2010
A little vacation
I will be on vacation starting tomorrow, so I will be entering my morning devotion, but not blog hopping. I will see you all and catch up when I get back on April 9.
C is for Children of God
Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. (Philippians 4:4)
We are the Children of God. We rejoice in our Father's love. In meekness, and humbleness we bring our commands to Him and He who commands the universe waits for us. He is ready for our call. He willingly serves the meek and the holy. Seek Him rejoice, in Him. He is our Father, we are His Children, the Children of God. Who better could we ask for.
C is for Children of God
We are the Children of God. We rejoice in our Father's love. In meekness, and humbleness we bring our commands to Him and He who commands the universe waits for us. He is ready for our call. He willingly serves the meek and the holy. Seek Him rejoice, in Him. He is our Father, we are His Children, the Children of God. Who better could we ask for.
C is for Children of God
Friday, April 2, 2010
And we have a winner
Congratulations to Robyn Campbell. She is my 30th follower and will recieve a certificate for a FREE copy of In the Beginning the first dvd in Phil Vischer's Whats in the Bible series.
Congrats Robyn and I still have one more certificate for the 40th follower. They will recieve a certificate for the second dvd in the series Let My People Go. Be sure and check out Robyn's Blog: Putting Pen to Paper
Congrats Robyn and I still have one more certificate for the 40th follower. They will recieve a certificate for the second dvd in the series Let My People Go. Be sure and check out Robyn's Blog: Putting Pen to Paper
B is for Bible and Blessings
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me. (John 14:21)
God Blessed us with a manual to live a life with Him. It is called the Bible. If you study it, follow its commands you will recieve countless Blessings in your life. Start today anew, for you have been forgiven of all that has passed. Study and follow the Bible, a manual for life in Christ. Recieve Blessings to numerous to count
B is for Bible and Blessings
God Blessed us with a manual to live a life with Him. It is called the Bible. If you study it, follow its commands you will recieve countless Blessings in your life. Start today anew, for you have been forgiven of all that has passed. Study and follow the Bible, a manual for life in Christ. Recieve Blessings to numerous to count
B is for Bible and Blessings
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Abba, Make me into your disciple
These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also. (Acts 17:6)
Abba, Father. Teach us your ways, take me from timid, faithless follower into a leader, healer and conquerer.
God took men just like us, fishermen, tax collectors, prostitutes and made them int some of his most avid disciples. People like Peter, who denied Jesus three times became the leader of the new church. Paul a man who crucified new Christians became one of the foremost leaders of the Gentile Christians. God shows us He wants sinful men to make his disciples. He wants to convert you, He wants you by His side. He is your Abba, Father.
Abba, Make me into your disciple
Abba, Father. Teach us your ways, take me from timid, faithless follower into a leader, healer and conquerer.
God took men just like us, fishermen, tax collectors, prostitutes and made them int some of his most avid disciples. People like Peter, who denied Jesus three times became the leader of the new church. Paul a man who crucified new Christians became one of the foremost leaders of the Gentile Christians. God shows us He wants sinful men to make his disciples. He wants to convert you, He wants you by His side. He is your Abba, Father.
Abba, Make me into your disciple
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
God's love, all that matters
The Lord
seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)
Be like a child with but one desire and that is to be loved to win love, and to do all that it can to be loved. God looks to the desires of your heart and not to the outward body. All He sees is your desire to love and be loved. He sees your efforts in His name, He sees you doing His will. Do not be discouraged by the judgements of humans, for they are not God. God sees your efforts for their true value in love. Strive for God's love not man's, that is all that matters.
seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)
Be like a child with but one desire and that is to be loved to win love, and to do all that it can to be loved. God looks to the desires of your heart and not to the outward body. All He sees is your desire to love and be loved. He sees your efforts in His name, He sees you doing His will. Do not be discouraged by the judgements of humans, for they are not God. God sees your efforts for their true value in love. Strive for God's love not man's, that is all that matters.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Joyfully anticipate His deliverance
The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation. (2 Peter 2:9)
The Lord will deliver you. Do not be sad, do not walk around depressed. Celebrate, sing joyfully, enjoy the beauty He created. Do not be quietly resigned to His blessings, but anticipate with joyful acceptance.
Love and laugh, express your joy. God loves you and will deliver you into His glory.
The Lord will deliver you. Do not be sad, do not walk around depressed. Celebrate, sing joyfully, enjoy the beauty He created. Do not be quietly resigned to His blessings, but anticipate with joyful acceptance.
Love and laugh, express your joy. God loves you and will deliver you into His glory.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Review: What's in the Bible: by Phil Vischer

Phil Vischer presents What's in the Bible
Phil Vischer has done it again with his creation of What's in the Bible. With a cast of diverse characters, including a pirate, scientist and Sunday School teacher, along with ever knowledgeable Buck Denver, newsman and many others they take you on a journey through the Bible. The adventure begins information about what exactly the Bible is along with who wrote it and who decided what books should be in it and why and then the group begins exploration of each of the individual books starting in the beginning with Genesis.
For an adult watching this on my own, the DVD seemed a little corny and childish. My eight year old daughter saw me watching the video and decided to watch it with me. With her watching the video seemed to take on a new life. Watching it with a child opened my jaded eyes to the innocent understanding of a child. She loved the video and could relate to the characters and information presented.
When you watch the video with a child and I strongly recommend it, you will see the Bible in a whole new light and maybe even learn something. These videos are thouroughly enjoyable and a good learning tool. I give this video a five star rating and recommend it be used to initiate study of the Bible with children and adults alike.
My eight year old also recommends this for children. She enjoyed the characters and could relate to them as well as the message. It was easily understandable and she wants me to buy the rest of the series.
The 30th (thirtieth) follower to my blog will recieve a certificate for a free copy of In the Beginning the first DVD in the series.
The 50th (fiftieth) follower will recieve a certificate for a free copy of Let My People Go the second DVD in the series.
www.whatsinthebible.com and www.tyndale.com
Seek the Lord
Ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13)
Are you experiencing struggles, hard times? Seek the Lord, love Him, celebrate wtih Him. No fears can haunt you, no trial tire you. Move boldly through the struggles with God at your side.
Seek and embrace the Spirit with all your heart. God needs you more than you need Him. Live in the world, but apart from it with God. Do the work of God while leaning on Him to guide your trials.
Are you experiencing struggles, hard times? Seek the Lord, love Him, celebrate wtih Him. No fears can haunt you, no trial tire you. Move boldly through the struggles with God at your side.
Seek and embrace the Spirit with all your heart. God needs you more than you need Him. Live in the world, but apart from it with God. Do the work of God while leaning on Him to guide your trials.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Trust in Christ
Sorry for the lateness. It's been one of those days when I can't seem to get anything in order.
I can do all things thorugh Christ which strengthens me. (Phillippians 4:13)
As you may have read in some of my previous posts, I have been having a rough week and this morning was proving to be a continuation of that. Finally in frustration and depression I threw up my hands in prayer. I asked God for some guidance, not that I hadn't done it throughout the week, but I never really stopped to listen for a reply.
I recently with doctor recommendation changed the dosage on my anti-anxiety drugs. The doctor and I agreed that my emotions were being too blocked by the medication, to the point where I almost felt nothing. This morning I was ready to up the dosage, to give up on feeling things, because maybe now I was feeling too much. Instead of running up the stairs and finding the medicine bottle, I prayed and a couple of interesting things happen or were in the process of happening.
One thing that had been getting me down was the decision about what to do with my new completely novel, should I go the traditional publishing route or should I go pod? My husband has not offered a whole lot of support or advice during this process, because he is very involved in his own life issues. I didn't know where to turn or how to decide and the pod publisher was calling this morning and wanting some kind of decison. Pray.
My daughter comes in my office, she is concerned and tells her father that I won't come out of the office because of him. He comes to my office and inquires as to what is wrong. Finally, he is listening to me. I explain all the things going on in my head and I think he actually hears me.
After some discussion, I make a decision and call the publisher, but still continue to explore agents and traditional publishers. I feel some relief now and God answered three prayers.
1. Help me make a decision
2. Let my husband hear me.
3. Continue with my medicine reduction.
All it took was a prayer and listening for the answer. When I trust in Christ I can do all things.
I can do all things thorugh Christ which strengthens me. (Phillippians 4:13)
As you may have read in some of my previous posts, I have been having a rough week and this morning was proving to be a continuation of that. Finally in frustration and depression I threw up my hands in prayer. I asked God for some guidance, not that I hadn't done it throughout the week, but I never really stopped to listen for a reply.
I recently with doctor recommendation changed the dosage on my anti-anxiety drugs. The doctor and I agreed that my emotions were being too blocked by the medication, to the point where I almost felt nothing. This morning I was ready to up the dosage, to give up on feeling things, because maybe now I was feeling too much. Instead of running up the stairs and finding the medicine bottle, I prayed and a couple of interesting things happen or were in the process of happening.
One thing that had been getting me down was the decision about what to do with my new completely novel, should I go the traditional publishing route or should I go pod? My husband has not offered a whole lot of support or advice during this process, because he is very involved in his own life issues. I didn't know where to turn or how to decide and the pod publisher was calling this morning and wanting some kind of decison. Pray.
My daughter comes in my office, she is concerned and tells her father that I won't come out of the office because of him. He comes to my office and inquires as to what is wrong. Finally, he is listening to me. I explain all the things going on in my head and I think he actually hears me.
After some discussion, I make a decision and call the publisher, but still continue to explore agents and traditional publishers. I feel some relief now and God answered three prayers.
1. Help me make a decision
2. Let my husband hear me.
3. Continue with my medicine reduction.
All it took was a prayer and listening for the answer. When I trust in Christ I can do all things.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Cakes Bruises and Headaches

Cakes, Bruises and Headaches,
I am having trouble pulling together my devotion for today so I will vent a little and see if I can clear my head.
My first funny vent, not reallly a vent, just a funny story. My 8/9 year old daughter is at an age where she wants to be more independant and do things on her own, but isn't quite at the stage where she can be totally unsupervised. The point was really brought home when she wanted to bake a cake about a week ago. I was trying to get my morning routine done which includes a couple of hours in my office trying to write, when she asked if we could bake this cake. I told her to wait until a particular time, then I would come out and we would do it together. Well either I took too long or she didn't want to wait, I don't exactly remember, but I heard noises in the kitchen that sounded like the beginnings of baking. I yelled out and asked what she was doing.
"Nothing mamma." Was the response.
"You'd better not be, I'll be out in a few minutes wait."
Silence for a few minutes, I sigh and get back to writing. The kitchen noises start again.
"What are you doing?"
"Nothing Mamma.""
"You better not be. I'll be out in a few minutes."
The noises don't stop.
"What are you doing?"
I'm getting concerned but don't leave what I am doing. After a few minutes daughter comes into my office, there is chocolate around her mouth. "Mamma, we don't have a big enough bowl to mix the cake in."
Puzzling, I have baked many cakes over the years, especially 9 x 13's and never lacked for a big enough bowl. I keep on typing for a minute.
"What do you mean the bowl isn't big enough?"
"We need a bigger bowl."
Maybe I should take a break and look into this.
I walk out to my kitchen, and sitting on the counter one of the biggest glass bowls I have filled to overflowing with chocolate water. Chocolate cake mix is dotting the counter and the floor.
"How much water did you use?"
"Two measuring cups like it shows on the box."
I pick up the box on the counter. Here I must really compliment the cake mix manufacturerer or at least the people who make their boxes. They do a very good job of giving directions for mixing a cake. They have a picture of water, oil and eggs. There are pictures of measuring cups and spoons under each ingredient and written beside each picture is the amount of the ingredient you are supposed use.
My daughter had looked at the pictures but not read the measurements. So she took a four cup measure and filled it up twice for the water. Of course 8 cups or even six cups will not fit in my large bowl especially once you add the mix and other ingredients, including her secret ingredient, a cube of unsweetened chocolate.
I couldn't get mad, because she had really tried to do it on her own. So we just cleaned up the mess and discussed what we learned from this. Then I measured the ingredients for brownies and we baked them.
Lessons learned:
Always read the whole box.
Don't delay in responding to a child wanting to bake a cake with you.
One other vent that led to a not so good week:
We were having a nice afternoon in the park taking pictures of the ducks and playing on the play set with our daughter. My husband and I decided we wanted to run a few errands while we were out, so we ran up to the lumber store and were going to hit the grocery store for some groceries for dinner. Walking into the lumber store I wasn't paying close attention to where I was walking and caught my foot on the half inch curb seperating the handicapp ramp from the parking lot. Down I go almost flat on my face, there I am splayed out all over the sidewalk. Daughter rushes over, "Mamma are you okay?" Loving husband "I guess that's why they put yellow paint there." My question is, "Why can't I fall somewhere where no one can see me, especially my husband, who has now decided I am klutzy?"
Anyway, I have two banged up knees, one elbow and my right hand. Since I am right handed this presents some difficulty when it comes to doing things like writing. I have trouble sleeping at night because I sleep on my side and stomach, but my knees hurt too much for that. And I think I stirred up something inside of me because the next day a cold starts. I manage to struggle through the week with the cold and the bruises until Thursday, then out of the blue a migraine and its a bad one. I can't read, watch tv, write or anything. I try to watch New MOon with my daughter, but can't. I end up in bed at 8:30. My daughter turns off the movie and comes into my room to read so she can watch me. She ends up sleeping on the floor.
So that's where I am today and why you probably won't see a devotion from me until tonight or tomorrow.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
He is an awesome God
My soul melteth for heaviness: strengthen thou me according unto thy word. (Psalm 119:28)
I feel discouraged today, not sure why. It seems as if all I do is getting me nowhere. I keep changing paths to find satisfaction and yet none is to be found. I stay on the same path looking for results and see none. I feel overwhelmed and yet don't know which way to turn, what to do, which project to focus on.
Focus on God, let Him be my strength. Move forward and know He is with me. Let the world and my paths unfold in His time according to His will. Don't put earthly restrictions on it, but persist in working for God and my dreams will unfold beyond my wildest imaginings. God, you are an awesome God.
I feel discouraged today, not sure why. It seems as if all I do is getting me nowhere. I keep changing paths to find satisfaction and yet none is to be found. I stay on the same path looking for results and see none. I feel overwhelmed and yet don't know which way to turn, what to do, which project to focus on.
Focus on God, let Him be my strength. Move forward and know He is with me. Let the world and my paths unfold in His time according to His will. Don't put earthly restrictions on it, but persist in working for God and my dreams will unfold beyond my wildest imaginings. God, you are an awesome God.
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