Z is for Zero to Zillion with Zeal
Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased. (Psalm 4:7)
In the spring we plant the seeds that in summer will become new life that is all around us.We start with nothing, Zero, with Zeal we add nourishment and nurture and soon we have many, a Zillion. God is doing the same thing with us. He starts with nothing, Zero and with Zeal He nourishes and nurtures us until we become all that He wants us to be, a Zillion times past the point where we started. We can do the same when we reach out to others and share the word of God with Zeal. We start at Zero and with Zeal we share His word and someday we reach a Zillion. Proclaim God's word with Zeal and you will feel His gladness in His heart.
Z is for Zero to Zillion with Zeal
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Y is for You
Y is for You
Ask and it shall be given you: seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. (Luke 11:9)
If God is for You who can be against You. I don't know who the author of that statement is, but whoever it was hit the nail on the head. The thing is we often don't see it that way. We think that since things aren't perfect and mistakenly assume that it is God that has failed us. The truth of the matter is we are the ones causing the disharmony.
God's kingdom is perfect and when we are obediant, honest, orderly and loving then we can attain His perfect kingdom. You can have it all when You let God in. God doesn't fail. He is always there for You.
Y is for You
Ask and it shall be given you: seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. (Luke 11:9)
If God is for You who can be against You. I don't know who the author of that statement is, but whoever it was hit the nail on the head. The thing is we often don't see it that way. We think that since things aren't perfect and mistakenly assume that it is God that has failed us. The truth of the matter is we are the ones causing the disharmony.
God's kingdom is perfect and when we are obediant, honest, orderly and loving then we can attain His perfect kingdom. You can have it all when You let God in. God doesn't fail. He is always there for You.
Y is for You
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
X is for Xenophobe
X is for Xenophobe
Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost. (Luke 15:6)
Do not fear or hate the strangers, the foreigners. Instead go with God and seek them out. Help to bring them to Christ. There is no need to be a Xenophobe with Jesus by your side. Join Him on His undying quest to find lost sheep. Follow the Master and He will make the strangers family. Xenophobia be gone, Jesus is in the building.
X is for Xenophobe
Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost. (Luke 15:6)
Do not fear or hate the strangers, the foreigners. Instead go with God and seek them out. Help to bring them to Christ. There is no need to be a Xenophobe with Jesus by your side. Join Him on His undying quest to find lost sheep. Follow the Master and He will make the strangers family. Xenophobia be gone, Jesus is in the building.
X is for Xenophobe
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
W is for Way, Water and Wait
W is for Way, Water and Wait,
Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. (John 20:29)
Most of us will never have the opportunity to see Jesus the Way Thomas did, to touch the nail wounds in His hands, the sword wound in His side. We won't actually see the Water gushing from the wound in His side. Yet if we Wait and believe, we will recieve the Water of life and see the Way of God.
We may not see, but we need not doubt like Thomas. For Jesus is the Way, He is the life giving Water for our souls and we not Wait. He is here for us, He will show us the Way.
W is for Way, Water and Wait
Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. (John 20:29)
Most of us will never have the opportunity to see Jesus the Way Thomas did, to touch the nail wounds in His hands, the sword wound in His side. We won't actually see the Water gushing from the wound in His side. Yet if we Wait and believe, we will recieve the Water of life and see the Way of God.
We may not see, but we need not doubt like Thomas. For Jesus is the Way, He is the life giving Water for our souls and we not Wait. He is here for us, He will show us the Way.
W is for Way, Water and Wait
Monday, April 26, 2010
V is for Valiantly and Victory
V is for Valiantly and Victory
When they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. (Matthew 10:19)
As a writer for God I sometimes struggle and try to force the words to come. I forget that God will give me the words when I let go and let Him. The times when I relax and let the spirit move me, the words come and the writing becomes almost easy. I am not the only person who tries to stand in God's way, we all do.
We like to think that we can do it all without help, without guidance. We are all powerful and can do anything. Even when our bodies, our minds, our relationships send signals that it's time to let go, we still refuse using platitudes like I've failed, how will other people look at me.
Yet, God wants us to turn to Him. He doesn't see it as failure, instead He sees Victory. Victory for you, Victory for Him. When we don't turn to Him we impede His work in us. We prevent Him from accomplishing all that He wants to accomplish in each and every one of us.
Valiantly rest in God. Don't seek work or make opportunities for Him. Valiantly live with Him and for Him. Let Him seek the work and make the opportunities. Then with Him you will see Victory.
V is for Valiantly and Victory
When they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. (Matthew 10:19)
As a writer for God I sometimes struggle and try to force the words to come. I forget that God will give me the words when I let go and let Him. The times when I relax and let the spirit move me, the words come and the writing becomes almost easy. I am not the only person who tries to stand in God's way, we all do.
We like to think that we can do it all without help, without guidance. We are all powerful and can do anything. Even when our bodies, our minds, our relationships send signals that it's time to let go, we still refuse using platitudes like I've failed, how will other people look at me.
Yet, God wants us to turn to Him. He doesn't see it as failure, instead He sees Victory. Victory for you, Victory for Him. When we don't turn to Him we impede His work in us. We prevent Him from accomplishing all that He wants to accomplish in each and every one of us.
Valiantly rest in God. Don't seek work or make opportunities for Him. Valiantly live with Him and for Him. Let Him seek the work and make the opportunities. Then with Him you will see Victory.
V is for Valiantly and Victory
Saturday, April 24, 2010
U is for Unconditional Love
U is for Unconditional Love
I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish. (John 10:28)
All of us want to be loved unconditionally. Even those of us who are married don't always feel an unconditional love. There is one place where we can find it, with God. He loves us no matter what. We don't have to earn it, He offers it freely.He doesn't care what size you are, what color you are. He doesn't look at political or religious affiliation. All He asks is that you love Him in return. Turn to God, Love Him, Obey Him, recieve Unconditional Love.
U is for Unconditional Love
I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish. (John 10:28)
All of us want to be loved unconditionally. Even those of us who are married don't always feel an unconditional love. There is one place where we can find it, with God. He loves us no matter what. We don't have to earn it, He offers it freely.He doesn't care what size you are, what color you are. He doesn't look at political or religious affiliation. All He asks is that you love Him in return. Turn to God, Love Him, Obey Him, recieve Unconditional Love.
U is for Unconditional Love
Friday, April 23, 2010
What if...
When I took this challenge last week I figured it would be easy. I should have known better. One of the reasons it has taken me so long to write my follow up post is because when it came to doing the follow up on my 5 what ifs it wasn't so easy and I didn't do so well.
So now I'll report on my progress:
1. What if I make love to my husband? Didn't happen, I had the best of intentions all week, but when crunch time came I didn't do it.
2. What if I really rewrite Twelve Pillars? I did look at it and started on the second chapter, but I just did some editing and not any major rewriting. It seems I picked a chapter that didn't need much rewriting. So I guess I have to go back to chapter one, since my beginning is weak and then move on from there.
3. What if i started that couples Bible study with Al? (He is my husband). We did do that. On Wednesday night we went to bed early and did the first chapter. We talked and communicated our feelings and actually did not get angry or fight. Now we'll have to see what happens with chapter two.
4. What if I really stuck to and committed to a diet and exercise plan for a week? Another one of my didn't happens. I did go to the gym twice this week and ride the exercycle for 30 minutes, but the dieting went out the window. However I have to keep moving forward and plan on going at it again next week. God grant me the strength I need to follow through with this one. I know I need to lose the weight for so many reasons and I have admittted that I am f.....a.......t (wow that's even hard to type), so how do I move on to the next step where do I find the motivation and the stick-to-itness I need. I keep telling my daughter she needs to find it within herself with God as her help. How do I take my own advice?
5. What if I really let go and let God? You should be able to tell from my previous answers that this wasn't very successful either, because if I had let go and let God I would have had more successes this past week. Sometimes I do and I have seen the results, but it is so hard to let go of all the stress and worries and let God handle it. I'm not sure I know completely how to do that.
So that is the result of my What if challenge. Maybe I will keep them where I can see them and continue to work towards them coming to fruition.
Bonnie thanks for the challenge.
When I took this challenge last week I figured it would be easy. I should have known better. One of the reasons it has taken me so long to write my follow up post is because when it came to doing the follow up on my 5 what ifs it wasn't so easy and I didn't do so well.
So now I'll report on my progress:
1. What if I make love to my husband? Didn't happen, I had the best of intentions all week, but when crunch time came I didn't do it.
2. What if I really rewrite Twelve Pillars? I did look at it and started on the second chapter, but I just did some editing and not any major rewriting. It seems I picked a chapter that didn't need much rewriting. So I guess I have to go back to chapter one, since my beginning is weak and then move on from there.
3. What if i started that couples Bible study with Al? (He is my husband). We did do that. On Wednesday night we went to bed early and did the first chapter. We talked and communicated our feelings and actually did not get angry or fight. Now we'll have to see what happens with chapter two.
4. What if I really stuck to and committed to a diet and exercise plan for a week? Another one of my didn't happens. I did go to the gym twice this week and ride the exercycle for 30 minutes, but the dieting went out the window. However I have to keep moving forward and plan on going at it again next week. God grant me the strength I need to follow through with this one. I know I need to lose the weight for so many reasons and I have admittted that I am f.....a.......t (wow that's even hard to type), so how do I move on to the next step where do I find the motivation and the stick-to-itness I need. I keep telling my daughter she needs to find it within herself with God as her help. How do I take my own advice?
5. What if I really let go and let God? You should be able to tell from my previous answers that this wasn't very successful either, because if I had let go and let God I would have had more successes this past week. Sometimes I do and I have seen the results, but it is so hard to let go of all the stress and worries and let God handle it. I'm not sure I know completely how to do that.
So that is the result of my What if challenge. Maybe I will keep them where I can see them and continue to work towards them coming to fruition.
Bonnie thanks for the challenge.
T is for Trust don't Talk
T is for Trust don't Talk
Study to be quiet. (1 Thessalonians 4:11)
At first this may seem to a strange idea. Don't talk, how do we share God's message? How do people hear the message? When we become one with God, form a union with Him then people sense His presence in us. Pray for His presence to be obvious in you. Let His works be done through you. Trust the Lord. He sees the need and reveals Himself through us. Don't Talk, Trust.
T is for Trust don't Talk
Study to be quiet. (1 Thessalonians 4:11)
At first this may seem to a strange idea. Don't talk, how do we share God's message? How do people hear the message? When we become one with God, form a union with Him then people sense His presence in us. Pray for His presence to be obvious in you. Let His works be done through you. Trust the Lord. He sees the need and reveals Himself through us. Don't Talk, Trust.
T is for Trust don't Talk
Thursday, April 22, 2010
S is for Savor God's goodnes
S is for Savor God's goodness
Serve the Lord with gladness...Be thankful unto him and bless his name. (Psalm 100: 2,4)
Today is Earth Day 2010 and I wanted to share a devotion about the Earth and our spiritual responsibility to it. God gave us this wonderful planet and it is up to us to keep it wonderful, to care for it. When we care for it then we can Savor God's gift to us, we can enjoy it, we can be thankful for all that He has given us and we can anticipate the home He has waiting for us, when we leave this earth, the one we have cared for. Be thankful and Savor God's goodness.
S is for Savor God's goodness
Serve the Lord with gladness...Be thankful unto him and bless his name. (Psalm 100: 2,4)
Today is Earth Day 2010 and I wanted to share a devotion about the Earth and our spiritual responsibility to it. God gave us this wonderful planet and it is up to us to keep it wonderful, to care for it. When we care for it then we can Savor God's gift to us, we can enjoy it, we can be thankful for all that He has given us and we can anticipate the home He has waiting for us, when we leave this earth, the one we have cared for. Be thankful and Savor God's goodness.
S is for Savor God's goodness
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
R is for Rejoice
R is for Rejoice
I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you. (Exodus 3:14)
Do not fear change, instead Rejoice. God never changes. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. When you dwell in Christ His strength is yours.
Life is a school. Pupils with great promise are singled out for strenuous and unwearied discipline, teaching and training. Rejoice that God has chosen you, and will share the burden. You will be stronger in Him. Rejoice and Thank God for all.
R is for Rejoice
I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you. (Exodus 3:14)
Do not fear change, instead Rejoice. God never changes. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. When you dwell in Christ His strength is yours.
Life is a school. Pupils with great promise are singled out for strenuous and unwearied discipline, teaching and training. Rejoice that God has chosen you, and will share the burden. You will be stronger in Him. Rejoice and Thank God for all.
R is for Rejoice
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Q is for don't Quit
We have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin. (Hebrews 4:15)
Don't Quit, remain faithful, love God. Obey God and bring joy and comfort to His loving heart. Be like the disciples that stood by the Cross on Calvary to the end. Be there for Him and He will be there for you. Don't Quit on God and He won't Quit on you.
D is for don't Quit
Don't Quit, remain faithful, love God. Obey God and bring joy and comfort to His loving heart. Be like the disciples that stood by the Cross on Calvary to the end. Be there for Him and He will be there for you. Don't Quit on God and He won't Quit on you.
D is for don't Quit
Monday, April 19, 2010
P is for Praise
He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love. (Song of Solomon 2:4)
Praise God, He has just given you the best news. He loves you. He knows of your need for Him and answers that need. Guess what, He needs you too.
When you give your heart to God glorious things happen. There will be wonderful discoveries, tender intimacies and an amazing incomprehensible understanding of life and love. Life with God-- the ultimate Love Story. Sing Praise to God because His love can endure all. Praise God.
P is for Praise
Praise God, He has just given you the best news. He loves you. He knows of your need for Him and answers that need. Guess what, He needs you too.
When you give your heart to God glorious things happen. There will be wonderful discoveries, tender intimacies and an amazing incomprehensible understanding of life and love. Life with God-- the ultimate Love Story. Sing Praise to God because His love can endure all. Praise God.
P is for Praise
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Review: The Secret Holocaust Diaries The Untold Story of Nonna Bannister
The Secret Holocaust Diaries: The Untold Story of Nonna Bannister
By: Nonna Bannister with Denise George and Carolyn Tomlin
Before reading this book, I was aware of the atrocities committed during World War II, and I was very aware of what happened to the Jews. What I wasn't so aware of was what happened to other populations, like the Polish, Ukrainians and Russians. Nonna Lisowskaja had the distinct privilege or misfortune depending on the point of view, of falling into all three of these categories. Because of this distinction she was subjected to many of the German atrocities that the Jewish people suffered. In this book, through her diaries, letters and other memories we relive the horrors through her eyewitness accounts. It is a haunting, terrifying, yet courageous and uplifting story, that anyone with an interest in that time period should read.
Even people who aren't fascinated by the history of the time should read it for the light and hope it holds. For throughout the book we see Nonna's courage, forgiveness and hope repeated time and time again even in the face of unbelievable horrors.

To comply with new regulations introduced by the Federal Trade Commission, please mention as part of every Web or Amazon review that Tyndale House Publishers has provided you with a complimentary copy of this book or ARC.
By: Nonna Bannister with Denise George and Carolyn Tomlin
Before reading this book, I was aware of the atrocities committed during World War II, and I was very aware of what happened to the Jews. What I wasn't so aware of was what happened to other populations, like the Polish, Ukrainians and Russians. Nonna Lisowskaja had the distinct privilege or misfortune depending on the point of view, of falling into all three of these categories. Because of this distinction she was subjected to many of the German atrocities that the Jewish people suffered. In this book, through her diaries, letters and other memories we relive the horrors through her eyewitness accounts. It is a haunting, terrifying, yet courageous and uplifting story, that anyone with an interest in that time period should read.
Even people who aren't fascinated by the history of the time should read it for the light and hope it holds. For throughout the book we see Nonna's courage, forgiveness and hope repeated time and time again even in the face of unbelievable horrors.

To comply with new regulations introduced by the Federal Trade Commission, please mention as part of every Web or Amazon review that Tyndale House Publishers has provided you with a complimentary copy of this book or ARC.
O is for Obey
If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed: and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:31-32)
There are two joys, the first born of love and wonder and the second comes from love and knowledge. Our lives are spent battling the discipline, disappointment and disillusion that lies between the two. Rely on God's strength to wage these battles. Obey God's will, accept His discipline, perservere in your faith. The second joy will come when we Obey God.
O is for Obey
There are two joys, the first born of love and wonder and the second comes from love and knowledge. Our lives are spent battling the discipline, disappointment and disillusion that lies between the two. Rely on God's strength to wage these battles. Obey God's will, accept His discipline, perservere in your faith. The second joy will come when we Obey God.
O is for Obey
Friday, April 16, 2010
N is for Neverending
We have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. (1 John 4:16)
Simple statement. God loves us, He loves us unconditionally and His love is Neverending. He is love. Accept God's love, put it to action in your life. Don't judge, don't resent, be patient. God's love will supply all the power. Let your love be as God's unconditional and Neverending and He will return that love to you forever. It will be Neverending.
N is for Neverending
Simple statement. God loves us, He loves us unconditionally and His love is Neverending. He is love. Accept God's love, put it to action in your life. Don't judge, don't resent, be patient. God's love will supply all the power. Let your love be as God's unconditional and Neverending and He will return that love to you forever. It will be Neverending.
N is for Neverending
Thursday, April 15, 2010
M is for Man is Mighty in the Lord
He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
All can be accomplished through the Lord. When Man sacrifices self and lets the Spirit flow through them, then no matter how humble or lowly, he becomes Mighty in the Lord.
Pray about all and focus on a few until those are accomplished. The Lord will provide your strength. Don't stand in His way by trying to do it without Him. You don't have what you need for that and will fail. Your sin will stand in the way of God's plan. For Man is Mighty in the Lord.
M is for Man is Mighty in the Lord
All can be accomplished through the Lord. When Man sacrifices self and lets the Spirit flow through them, then no matter how humble or lowly, he becomes Mighty in the Lord.
Pray about all and focus on a few until those are accomplished. The Lord will provide your strength. Don't stand in His way by trying to do it without Him. You don't have what you need for that and will fail. Your sin will stand in the way of God's plan. For Man is Mighty in the Lord.
M is for Man is Mighty in the Lord
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
L is for Love the Lord
Thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying. This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. (Isaiah 30:21)
Walk with the Lord on one side and the faithful on the other. Be encouraged as you walk this path. The Lord's guidance is intensified immeasurably in power when two or more journey with Him in faith and Love. Love the Lord and journey in faith.
L is for Love the Lord
Walk with the Lord on one side and the faithful on the other. Be encouraged as you walk this path. The Lord's guidance is intensified immeasurably in power when two or more journey with Him in faith and Love. Love the Lord and journey in faith.
L is for Love the Lord
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
K is for Kindred
Let love be without dissimulation. (Romans 12:9)
Lord make me Kindred with you. Teach me to be gentle, to see the heart you see. Let me know the pain of others. Act as an interpreter between my heart and that of others.
When I pray let me find rest for my soul. Help me lay the path for success through a Kindred spirit with You by doing my tasks faithfully and with a persistance of faith and love. Lord be a Kindred spirit with me.
K is for Kindred
Lord make me Kindred with you. Teach me to be gentle, to see the heart you see. Let me know the pain of others. Act as an interpreter between my heart and that of others.
When I pray let me find rest for my soul. Help me lay the path for success through a Kindred spirit with You by doing my tasks faithfully and with a persistance of faith and love. Lord be a Kindred spirit with me.
K is for Kindred
Monday, April 12, 2010
J is for Joy on the Journey
Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. (Matthew 7:7)
We all struggle on our Journey of faith. God waits for us to ask for guidance on the Journey. God finds Joy in giving us help and guidance. Our faith and reliance gives Him the opportunity to manifest His power. When God unlocks His resources because of his Joy in our faith, we see the purpose of the Journey and share in His Joy at the outcome of the Journey. Have faith, turn to God, share His Joy at our Journey.
J is for Joy on the Journey
We all struggle on our Journey of faith. God waits for us to ask for guidance on the Journey. God finds Joy in giving us help and guidance. Our faith and reliance gives Him the opportunity to manifest His power. When God unlocks His resources because of his Joy in our faith, we see the purpose of the Journey and share in His Joy at the outcome of the Journey. Have faith, turn to God, share His Joy at our Journey.
J is for Joy on the Journey
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Review The Revolutionary Paul Revere
The Revolutionary Paul Revere
By: Joel J. Miller
If you want to read an interesting, historical book about our country and some of the men who were instrumental in obtaining the freedom we enjoy, then The Revolutionary Paul Revere is a good read. The book gives many of the facts of the Revolutionary war in and around Boston as seen from the perspective of Paul Revere. We get a little insight into his family and personal life, but the book mostly focuses on his involvement with the business and politics of the time.
If you are looking for a story that reads like a novel, this is not the book. However if you are looking for a good accounting of the facts and faces in Paul Revere's part of the world during the Revolutionary period of our country then this is the book for you.
There is no doubt Paul Revere was a great man. His contributions as a spy, entrepreneur, express rider, freemason and commercial visionary contributed to making this country what it is today and Joel Miller does a good job of making us aware of these contributions.
By: Joel J. Miller
If you want to read an interesting, historical book about our country and some of the men who were instrumental in obtaining the freedom we enjoy, then The Revolutionary Paul Revere is a good read. The book gives many of the facts of the Revolutionary war in and around Boston as seen from the perspective of Paul Revere. We get a little insight into his family and personal life, but the book mostly focuses on his involvement with the business and politics of the time.
If you are looking for a story that reads like a novel, this is not the book. However if you are looking for a good accounting of the facts and faces in Paul Revere's part of the world during the Revolutionary period of our country then this is the book for you.
There is no doubt Paul Revere was a great man. His contributions as a spy, entrepreneur, express rider, freemason and commercial visionary contributed to making this country what it is today and Joel Miller does a good job of making us aware of these contributions.

I is for Inspiration and Imagination
Whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. (1 John 3:22)
God is my muse. My Inspiration, my Imagination all come from Him. When I become to prideful and take too much credit for the work I bar the way to full communion with God. Pride will block the door to my heart and soul, Jesus will not be able to enter.
I must set aside my pride, celebrate and be thankful for the gifts God has given me, then Jesus can enter my heart, my soul and I can enter His home, my home, Heaven. Thank you God for the Inspiration and Imagination you've given me and the ability to take those words and share them with the world.
I is for Inspiration and Imagination
God is my muse. My Inspiration, my Imagination all come from Him. When I become to prideful and take too much credit for the work I bar the way to full communion with God. Pride will block the door to my heart and soul, Jesus will not be able to enter.
I must set aside my pride, celebrate and be thankful for the gifts God has given me, then Jesus can enter my heart, my soul and I can enter His home, my home, Heaven. Thank you God for the Inspiration and Imagination you've given me and the ability to take those words and share them with the world.
I is for Inspiration and Imagination
Friday, April 9, 2010
D, E, F, G is for...
Okay I was not able to get on my computer for d, e, f and g devotions so here is a readers digest condensed version to let you know I did think about it.
Easter gives us God's Divine Grace Forever.
D, E, F, G ...
Easter gives us God's Divine Grace Forever.
D, E, F, G ...
H is for Hinderances to Holiness, Hallelujah
That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made comformable unto his death. (Phillippians 3:10)
Let go of all that Hinders you. Be released from your earth-bands and experience the Holiness of the risen life in Christ. Arise to beauty, to joy, to peace. Work inspired by love and joy. Rise from death to life. HALLELUJAH He lives.
H is for HInderance to Holiness, Hallelujah
Let go of all that Hinders you. Be released from your earth-bands and experience the Holiness of the risen life in Christ. Arise to beauty, to joy, to peace. Work inspired by love and joy. Rise from death to life. HALLELUJAH He lives.
H is for HInderance to Holiness, Hallelujah
Saturday, April 3, 2010
A little vacation
I will be on vacation starting tomorrow, so I will be entering my morning devotion, but not blog hopping. I will see you all and catch up when I get back on April 9.
C is for Children of God
Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. (Philippians 4:4)
We are the Children of God. We rejoice in our Father's love. In meekness, and humbleness we bring our commands to Him and He who commands the universe waits for us. He is ready for our call. He willingly serves the meek and the holy. Seek Him rejoice, in Him. He is our Father, we are His Children, the Children of God. Who better could we ask for.
C is for Children of God
We are the Children of God. We rejoice in our Father's love. In meekness, and humbleness we bring our commands to Him and He who commands the universe waits for us. He is ready for our call. He willingly serves the meek and the holy. Seek Him rejoice, in Him. He is our Father, we are His Children, the Children of God. Who better could we ask for.
C is for Children of God
Friday, April 2, 2010
And we have a winner
Congratulations to Robyn Campbell. She is my 30th follower and will recieve a certificate for a FREE copy of In the Beginning the first dvd in Phil Vischer's Whats in the Bible series.
Congrats Robyn and I still have one more certificate for the 40th follower. They will recieve a certificate for the second dvd in the series Let My People Go. Be sure and check out Robyn's Blog: Putting Pen to Paper
Congrats Robyn and I still have one more certificate for the 40th follower. They will recieve a certificate for the second dvd in the series Let My People Go. Be sure and check out Robyn's Blog: Putting Pen to Paper
B is for Bible and Blessings
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me. (John 14:21)
God Blessed us with a manual to live a life with Him. It is called the Bible. If you study it, follow its commands you will recieve countless Blessings in your life. Start today anew, for you have been forgiven of all that has passed. Study and follow the Bible, a manual for life in Christ. Recieve Blessings to numerous to count
B is for Bible and Blessings
God Blessed us with a manual to live a life with Him. It is called the Bible. If you study it, follow its commands you will recieve countless Blessings in your life. Start today anew, for you have been forgiven of all that has passed. Study and follow the Bible, a manual for life in Christ. Recieve Blessings to numerous to count
B is for Bible and Blessings
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Abba, Make me into your disciple
These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also. (Acts 17:6)
Abba, Father. Teach us your ways, take me from timid, faithless follower into a leader, healer and conquerer.
God took men just like us, fishermen, tax collectors, prostitutes and made them int some of his most avid disciples. People like Peter, who denied Jesus three times became the leader of the new church. Paul a man who crucified new Christians became one of the foremost leaders of the Gentile Christians. God shows us He wants sinful men to make his disciples. He wants to convert you, He wants you by His side. He is your Abba, Father.
Abba, Make me into your disciple
Abba, Father. Teach us your ways, take me from timid, faithless follower into a leader, healer and conquerer.
God took men just like us, fishermen, tax collectors, prostitutes and made them int some of his most avid disciples. People like Peter, who denied Jesus three times became the leader of the new church. Paul a man who crucified new Christians became one of the foremost leaders of the Gentile Christians. God shows us He wants sinful men to make his disciples. He wants to convert you, He wants you by His side. He is your Abba, Father.
Abba, Make me into your disciple
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